本文为您提供了服务端 PHP SDK 的媒资管理模块的接口调用示例。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodGetMediaInfosRequest(); $request->setVids("your Vids"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodGetMediaInfosResponse(); try { $response = $client->getMediaInfos20230701($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:更新媒资信息。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodUpdateMediaInfoRequest(); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setPosterUriUnwrapped("your PosterUri"); $request->setTitleUnwrapped("your Title"); $request->setDescriptionUnwrapped("your Description"); $request->setTagsUnwrapped("your Tags"); $request->setClassificationIdUnwrapped(0); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodUpdateMediaInfoResponse(); try { $response = $client->updateMediaInfo($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodUpdateMediaPublishStatusRequest(); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setStatus("your Status"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodUpdateMediaPublishStatusResponse(); try { $response = $client->updateMediaPublishStatus($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:修改媒资存储类型。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodUpdateMediaStorageClassRequest(); $request->setVids("your Vids"); $request->setStorageClass("your StorageClass"); $request->setCallbackArgs("your CallbackArgs"); $request->setFileIds("your FileIds"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodUpdateMediaStorageClassResponse(); try { $response = $client->updateMediaStorageClass($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:获取封面候选结果。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodGetRecommendedPosterRequest(); $request->setVids("your Vids"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodGetRecommendedPosterResponse(); try { $response = $client->getRecommendedPoster($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:删除完整媒资。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodDeleteMediaRequest(); $request->setVids("your Vids"); $request->setCallbackArgs("your CallbackArgs"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodDeleteMediaResponse(); try { $response = $client->deleteMedia($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:删除媒体处理输出文件。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodDeleteTranscodesRequest(); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setFileIds("your FileIds"); $request->setCallbackArgs("your CallbackArgs"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodDeleteTranscodesResponse(); try { $response = $client->deleteTranscodes($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodDeleteMaterialRequest(); $request->setMid("your Mid"); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodDeleteMaterialResponse(); try { $response = $client->deleteMaterial($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:获取音视频信息。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodGetMediaListRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setStatus("your Status"); $request->setOrder("your Order"); $request->setTags("your Tags"); $request->setStartTime("your StartTime"); $request->setEndTime("your EndTime"); $request->setOffset("your Offset"); $request->setPageSize("your PageSize"); $request->setClassificationIds("your ClassificationIds"); $request->setTosStorageClasses("your TosStorageClasses"); $request->setVodUploadSources("your VodUploadSources"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodGetMediaListResponse(); try { $response = $client->getMediaList($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:获取字幕文件。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodGetSubtitleInfoListRequest(); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setFileIds("your FileIds"); $request->setLanguages("your Languages"); $request->setFormats("your Formats"); $request->setLanguageIds("your LanguageIds"); $request->setSubtitleIds("your SubtitleIds"); $request->setStatus("your Status"); $request->setTitle("your Title"); $request->setTag("your Tag"); $request->setOffset("your Offset"); $request->setPageSize("your PageSize"); $request->setSsl("your Ssl"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodGetSubtitleInfoListResponse(); try { $response = $client->getSubtitleInfoList($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:修改字幕发布状态。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodUpdateSubtitleStatusRequest(); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setFileIds("your FileIds"); $request->setLanguages("your Languages"); $request->setFormats("your Formats"); $request->setStatus("your Status"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodUpdateSubtitleStatusResponse(); try { $response = $client->updateSubtitleStatus($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:修改字幕信息。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodUpdateSubtitleInfoRequest(); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setFileId("your FileId"); $request->setLanguage("your Language"); $request->setFormat("your Format"); $request->setTitleUnwrapped("your Title"); $request->setTagUnwrapped("your Tag"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodUpdateSubtitleInfoResponse(); try { $response = $client->updateSubtitleInfo($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:获取截图结果。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodListSnapshotsRequest(); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodListSnapshotsResponse(); try { $response = $client->listSnapshots($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:提交跨空间文件迁移任务。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodSubmitMoveObjectTaskRequest(); $request->setSourceSpace("your SourceSpace"); $request->setSourceFileName("your SourceFileName"); $request->setTargetSpace("your TargetSpace"); $request->setTargetFileName("your TargetFileName"); $request->setSaveSourceObject(false); $request->setForceOverwrite(false); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodSubmitMoveObjectTaskResponse(); try { $response = $client->submitMoveObjectTask($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:查询跨空间文件迁移任务状态。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodQueryMoveObjectTaskInfoRequest(); $request->setTaskId("your TaskId"); $request->setSourceSpace("your SourceSpace"); $request->setTargetSpace("your TargetSpace"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodQueryMoveObjectTaskInfoResponse(); try { $response = $client->queryMoveObjectTaskInfo($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:创建视频分类。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodCreateVideoClassificationRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setLevel(0); $request->setParentId(0); $request->setClassification("your Classification"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodCreateVideoClassificationResponse(); try { $response = $client->createVideoClassification($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:查询视频分类。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodListVideoClassificationsRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setClassificationId(0); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodListVideoClassificationsResponse(); try { $response = $client->listVideoClassifications($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:更新视频分类。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodUpdateVideoClassificationRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setClassificationId(0); $request->setClassification("your Classification"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodUpdateVideoClassificationResponse(); try { $response = $client->updateVideoClassification($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:删除视频分类。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodDeleteVideoClassificationRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setClassificationId(0); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodDeleteVideoClassificationResponse(); try { $response = $client->deleteVideoClassification($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:根据文件路径获取文件信息。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodGetFileInfosRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setEncodedFileNames("your EncodedFileNames"); $request->setBucketName("your BucketName"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodGetFileInfosResponse(); try { $response = $client->getFileInfos($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:根据文件路径获取媒资信息。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodListFileMetaInfosByFileNamesRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setFileNameEncodeds("your FileNameEncodeds"); $request->setBucketName("your BucketName"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodListFileMetaInfosByFileNamesResponse(); try { $response = $client->listFileMetaInfosByFileNames($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:根据文件路径修改媒资存储类型。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodUpdateFileStorageClassRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setBucketName("your BucketName"); $fileUpdateInfo = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Business\VodFileUpdateInfo(); $fileUpdateInfo->setFileName("your FileName"); $fileUpdateInfo->setStorageClass("your StorageClass"); $request->setFileUpdateInfos([$fileUpdateInfo]); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodUpdateFileStorageClassResponse(); try { $response = $client->updateFileStorageClass($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:根据文件路径删除媒体文件。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodDeleteMediaTosFileRequest(); $request->setFileNames(["your FileNames"]); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodDeleteMediaTosFileResponse(); try { $response = $client->deleteMediaTosFile($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }
接口请求参数和返回参数详见 OpenAPI:获取内网地址。
<?php require('../../vendor/autoload.php'); // Create a VOD instance in the specified region. // $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance('cn-north-1'); $client = Volc\Service\Vod\Vod::getInstance(); // Configure your Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) in the environment variables or in the local ~/.volc/config file. For detailed instructions, see https://www.volcengine.com/docs/4/4408. // The SDK will automatically fetch the AK and SK from the environment variables or the ~/.volc/config file as needed. // During testing, you may use the following code snippet. However, do not store the AK and SK directly in your project code to prevent potential leakage and safeguard the security of all resources associated with your account. // $client->setAccessKey('your ak'); // $client->setSecretKey('your sk'); $request = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Request\VodGetInnerAuditURLsRequest(); $request->setSpaceName("your SpaceName"); $request->setVid("your Vid"); $request->setFileNames(["your FileNames"]); $response = new Volc\Service\Vod\Models\Response\VodGetInnerAuditURLsResponse(); try { $response = $client->getInnerAuditURLs($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo $e, "\n"; } if ($response != null && $response->getResponseMetadata() != null && $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError() != null) { echo $response->getResponseMetadata()->getError()->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; } else { echo $response->serializeToJsonString(), "\n"; }