参数 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 示例值 | 描述 |
Action | String | 是 | ListAmortizedCostBillDetail | 要执行的操作,取值:ListAmortizedCostBillDetail。 |
Version | String | 是 | 2022-01-01 | API的版本,取值:2022-01-01。 |
BillingMode | Array of String | 否 | [1] | 计费模式:1:包年包月;2:按量计费;3:合同计费;4:履约计费;默认不选为全部 |
BillCategory | Array of String | 否 | [consume-use] | 账单类型:consume-use:消费-使用;consume-new:消费-新购;consume-renew:消费-续费;consume-formalize:消费-转正;consume-modify:消费-更配;consume-trial:消费-试用;refund-terminate:退款-退订;refund-modify:退款-更配;transfer-manual:调账-人工;transfer-system:调账-系统;默认不选为全部 |
AmortizedType | Array of String | 否 | [1] | 分摊类型:1:履约计费分摊;2:合同计费分摊;3:按量计费分摊;4:新购分摊;5:更配分摊;6:续费分摊;7:退订分摊;8:预留实例调整分摊;9:试用分摊;10:转正分摊;默认不选为全部 |
Product | Array of String | 否 | [ECS] | 产品名称,默认不选为全部 |
PayerID | Array of Long | 否 | [2100057673] | Payer账号ID |
OwnerID | Array of Long | 否 | [2100057673] | Owner账号ID |
Offset | Integer | 否 | 10 | 偏移量 |
Limit | Integer | 是 | 10 | 数量:[1-300] |
BillPeriod | String | 否 | 2023-08 | 账务账期:格式为YYYY-MM;仅支持单月查询;最多24个月;最早只能查询2023-04; |
AmortizedMonth | String | 是 | 2023-08 | 分摊月:格式为YYYY-MM;仅支持单月查询;最多24个月;最早只能查询2023-04; |
AmortizedDay | String | 否 | 2023-08-01 | 分摊日:格式为YYYY-MM-DD;仅支持单日查询;最早只能查询2023-04-01; |
InstanceNo | String | 否 | i-ycjlq77tdg8rx6ib4v1s | 实例id,默认不选为全部 |
IgnoreZero | Integer | 否 | 1 | 是否忽略折后价为0的数据:0:不忽略;1忽略;默认为不忽略 |
NeedRecordNum | Integer | 否 | 1 | 是否需要访问列表的总记录数:用于前端分页;1:表示需要; 0:表示不需要;默认为不需要 |
参数 | 类型 | 示例值 | 描述 |
List | Array of CostBillDetail | 成本明细列表 | |
Total | Integer | 100 | 总数 |
Limit | Integer | 10 | 步长 |
Offset | Integer | 0 | 偏移量 |
POST /?Action=ListAmortizedCostBillDetail&Version=2022-01-01 HTTP/1.1 Host: https://open.volcengineapi.com?Action= ListAmortizedCostBillDetail&Version=2022-01-01 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 X-Date: 20240510T081849Z X-Content-Sha256: 287e874e******d653b44d21e Authorization: HMAC-SHA256 Credential=Adfks******wekfwe/20240510/cn-beijing/billing/request, SignedHeaders=host;x-content-sha256;x-date, Signature=47a7d934ff7b37c03938******cd7b8278a40a1057690c401e92246a0e41085f { "Limit": 10, "AmortizedMonth": "2023-08" }
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "2024040219432652D49C2212775A77B24F", "Action": "ListAmortizedCostBillDetail", "Version": "20220101", "Service": "billing" }, "Result": { "List": [ { "CostID": "Cost7330331854014943515", "AmortizedMonth": "2024-02", "AmortizedDay": "2024-02-01", "BillPeriod": "2024-02", "BusiPeriod": "2024-02", "PayerID": "2100153894", "PayerUserName": "Doooo", "PayerCustomerName": "北京火山引擎科技有限公司", "SellerID": "3423", "SellerUserName": "火山引擎", "SellerCustomerName": "北京火山引擎科技有限公司", "OwnerID": "2100153894", "OwnerUserName": "Doooo", "OwnerCustomerName": "北京火山引擎科技有限公司", "Product": "ECS", "ProductZh": "云服务器", "BusinessMode": "普通业务", "BillingMode": "按量计费", "BillCategory": "消费-使用", "AmortizedType": "按量计费分摊", "AmortizedBeginTime": "2024-02-01 00:00:00", "AmortizedEndTime": "2024-02-01 01:00:00", "BillID": "Bill7330313207997255945", "InstanceNo": "i-ycjlq77tdg8rx6ib4v1s", "InstanceName": "ECS-fEaG", "Element": "ecs.g3i", "Region": "华北2(北京)", "Zone": "可用区B", "Factor": "type-large", "ExpandField": "-", "ExpenseBeginTime": "2024-02-01 00:00:00", "ExpenseEndTime": "2024-02-01 01:00:00", "TradeTime": "2024-02-01 01:19:15", "Price": "0.52", "PriceUnit": "台/时", "Count": "1.00", "Unit": "台", "UseDuration": "3600", "UseDurationUnit": "秒", "CouponAmount": "0.00", "PayableAmount": "0.05", "PaidAmount": "0.00", "DailyAmortizedCouponAmount": "0.00", "DailyAmortizedPayableAmount": "0.05", "DailyAmortizedOriginalBillAmount": "0.519200", "DailyAmortizedPreferentialBillAmount": "0.468610", "DailyAmortizedRoundAmount": "0.000590", "DailyAmortizedDiscountBillAmount": "0.05", "DailyAmortizedPaidAmount": "0.00", "Currency": "CNY", "Project": "default", "Tag": "-", "SubjectName": "北京火山引擎科技有限公司", "ConfigName": "ecs.g3i.large", "OriginalBillAmount": "0.519200", "PreferentialBillAmount": "0.468610", "RoundAmount": "0.000590", "DiscountBillAmount": "0.05", "BillingFunction": "固定单价", "MarketPrice": "", "DiscountBizBillingFunction": "固定单价", "DiscountBizUnitPrice": "0.05059", "DiscountBizUnitPriceInterval": "-", "DiscountBizMeasureInterval": "-", "EffectiveFactor": "1", "PriceInterval": "-", "MeasureInterval": "-", "BillingMethodCode": "按配置小时结", "ProjectDisplayName": "默认项目" } ], "Total": 7723, "Limit": 1, "Offset": 0 } }