OC :头文件为SAMICoreKaraokeRecord.h,接口名称及功能与CPP对应
Java:头文件为SAMICoreKaraokeRecord.java, 接口名称及功能与CPP对应,部分参数和返回值不同,文档中标出,其中基础类型如bool
功能 | 接口名称 | 接口参数说明 | 接口返回值说明 及函数补充说明 |
初始化 | C++/Java: | C++:
OC: | 0: 创建成功;否则会打印失败信息并返回错误码 1. sdk默认输出双声道数据给耳返
传入录音数据 |
| 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。 |
开启回声消除 |
| 0: 创建成功;否则返回具体错误码。 |
开启延迟检测 |
| 0: 创建成功;否则返回具体错误码。 |
干声文件保存位置 |
| 0: 创建encoder成功;否则返回具体错误码。 |
开启K歌打分功能 |
| 0: 创建成功;否则返回具体错误码 |
开启人声响度检测 | openVocalLoudnessExtractor | 0: 创建成功;否则返回具体错误码 | |
内部环境准备 | prepare | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。 准备仅需调用一次 | |
开始 | play | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。可在prepare之后或者pause之后调用 | |
暂停 | pause | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。暂停后再pullAudioData时全部返回静音数据 | |
拖动进度 |
| 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。2023-04-17开始支持 |
结束 | stop | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。 | |
播放线程中拉取播放数据 |
| 返回获取到的每通道数据采样点数。异常时返回-1。 注意: |
获取总时长 | getTotalDurationMs | 伴奏文件的时长,毫秒 (一般原唱和伴奏文件的时长是相同的。这里会取原唱和伴奏文件较短的时长) | |
获取当前进度 | getCurrentPositionMs | 当前录制进度,毫秒 | |
更新耳返中的人声音量 | updateMonitorVocalVolume | float: 调整的dB值, [-70, +35], -70时为静音。 | 耳返中人声的增益值。默认值为0,表示不调整音量 |
更新耳返中的伴奏音量 | updateMonitorBGMVolume | float: 调整的dB值, [-70, +35] | 耳返中伴奏的增益值 |
原唱和伴奏的切换 | switchBGMMode | enum KaraokeBGMMode{ Accompany, Original } | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。 |
调整bgm音高 | updateBGMPitch | int:升/降的半音数, [-12, +12] | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码 |
获取实时打分数据 |
| C++/Java: | 0: 成功;否则返回错误码,结果无效
获取全局分数信息 |
| C++/Java: | 0: 成功;否则结果无效。 结果结构体中包含 |
获取全局响度信息 |
| 0: 计算成功;否则返回错误码 |
获取延迟检测结果 |
| 0: 计算成功;否则返回错误码。 |
写出分析结果 | writeRecordInfoToFile | 入参为结果写出的文件路径 | 此函数将延迟检测和响度检测等结果写入文件中。在编辑页图init中需要传入这个文件给sdk 读取值使用 |
资源释放 |
| 用于将native层资源释放。释放前需保证已经调用stop. 释放后则不可以再调用图的方法。 |
#include "sami_core_karaoke_record_graph.h" auto message_callback = [](KaraokeMessageId id, void* info) { // app report log }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // init params SAMI::KaraokeRecordSettingParam setting_param; setting_param.accompany_path = "/path/to/accompany.wav"; setting_param.original_path = "/path/to/original-sing.wav"; setting_param.sample_rate = 44100; // should be player samplerate setting_param.max_block_samples = 4096; // player callback buffersize setting_param.message_callback = message_callback; SAMI::KaraokeRecordGraph graph; int ret = graph.init(setting_param); if(ret != 0) { return -1; } // set record callback. Must // graph.setMicSourceCallback(micCallback); // set recorded vocal file path. Must graph.setOutVocalFileParam("/path/to/vocal.wav"); // turn on aec if needed. Succeed if ret == 0 ret = graph.setAECParam("/path/to/aec.model"); // turn on time align of music and vocal if needed. Succeed if ret == 0 ret = graph.setTimeAlignParam("/path/to/time_align.model"); // turn on vocal Londness detect if needed. Succeed if ret == 0 ret = graph.openVocalLoudnessExtractor(); // turn on pitch SingScore. Succeed if ret == 0 graph.setSingScoreParam(1, "/path/to/lyric.krc", "/path/to/song.mid"); // prepare, should be called once graph.prepare(); // start the graph graph.play(); // push mic data to sdk std::thread recordThread = std::thread([&](){ float** in_data; // record data int record_channel = 1; // maybe 2 bool interleaved = false; // maybe true int frame = 0; while (recording_){ // copy date from device get_buffer_from_devices(in_data, &record_channel, &interleaved, &frame); // shoule be implemented graph.pushMicAudioData(in_data, num_channels, frame, interleaved); } }); // mock play thread std::thread playThread = std::thread([&](){ data[0] = new float[setting_param.max_block_samples]; data[1] = new float[setting_param.max_block_samples]; while (playing_) { int frames = graph.pullAudioData(data, setting_param.max_block_samples); // play } delete [] data[0]; delete [] data[1]; }); // mock UI thread: get realTimeScore result and show the result std::thread scoreUIThread = std::thread([&](){ while (playing_) { usleep(512.0 / setting_param.sample_rate * 1000.0); SAMICoreMulDimSingScoringRealtimeInfo info; int ret = graph.getRealTimeScoreInfo(info); // show the result } }); // mock UI Interaction thread: update monitor vocal volume、update bgm mode etc. std::thread UIInteractionThread = std::thread([&](){ while(playing_) { // update monitor vocal volume graph.updateMonitorVocalVolume(10); // update monitor bgm volume graph.updateMonitorBGMVolume(10); // switch bgm mode: Accompany or Original graph.switchBGMMode(KaraokeBGMMode::Original); // update bgm pitch graph.updateBGMPitch(4); } }); { // pause the graph. After paused, the pullAudioData will get all zeros graph.pause(); // resume again graph.play(); } playThread.join(); scoreUIThread.join(); UIInteractionThread.join(); // stop graph.stop(); float loudness = 0; float peak = 0; ret = graph.getLoudnessOverallFeatures(loudness, peak); printf("vocal loudness: status = %d, lufs = %f, peak = %f\n", ret, loudness, peak); float delay_ms = 0; ret = graph.getTimeAlignResultMs(delay_ms); printf("time align result: %d, :%f\n", ret, delay_ms); SAMICoreMulDimSingScoringOverallInfo info; ret = graph.getOverallScoreInfo(info); printf("overall_score_info result: status = %d, note_score = %f \n", ret, info.note_score); // after stopped, write some result to json file, which will be used in EditPage graph.writeRecordInfoToFile("path/to/record_info.json"); return 0; }
#include "SAMICoreKaraokeRecord.h" #include "SAMICore.h" int main() { // init param SAMICore_KaraokeRecordSettingParam *param = [[SAMICore_KaraokeRecordSettingParam alloc] init]; std::string accompany_path = "/path/to/accompany.wav"; param.accompany_path = accompany_path.c_str(); std::string original_path = "/path/to/original.wav"; param.original_path = original_path.c_str(); param.sample_rate = 44100; // play samplerate param.max_block_samples = 4096; // player callback buffersize NSString *documentFilePath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,NSUserDomainMask,YES).firstObject; NSString *extra_config = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{ \"backend_config\":{ \"need_backend\":true, \"loop\":false, \"dump_path\": \"%@\" } }", documentFilePath]; param.extra_config = [extra_config UTF8String]; param.message_callback = ^(SAMICore_KaraokeMessageId id, NSDictionary* info) { // app report log }; // create graph object SAMICoreKaraokeRecord* graph = [SAMICoreKaraokeRecord alloc]; ret = [graph initRecordingGraphWithSettingParam:param]; if(ret != 0) { return ret; } // turn on aec if needed std::string aec_model_path = "/path/to/aec.model"; ret = [graph setAECParam:aec_model_path.c_str()]; // turn on time_align if needed std::string time_align_model_path = "/path/to/time_align.model"; ret = [graph setTimeAlignParam:time_align_model_path.c_str()]; // turn on vocal volume detect if needed ret = [graph openVocalLoudnessExtractor]; // turn on singscore if needed std::string lyric_path = "/path/to/song.krc"; std::string midi_path = "/path/to/song.mid"; ret = [graph setSingScoreParam:1 lyric_path:lyric_path.c_str() midi_path:midi_path.c_str()]; // set vocal file saved path std::string out_vocal_path = "/path/to/vocal.wav"; ret = [graph setOutVocalFileParam:out_vocal_path.c_str()]; [graph prepare]; [graph play]; // mock UI thread std::thread UIThread = std::thread([&]() { while (playing_) { SAMICore_MulDimSingScoringRealtimeInfo* info = [[SAMICore_MulDimSingScoringRealtimeInfo alloc] init]; int ret = [graph getRealTimeScoreInfo:info]; } }); // mock interactive thread std::thread userInteractiveThread = std::thread([&]() { while (playing_) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // update vocal volume [graph updateMonitorVocalVolume:(+5)]; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // update bgm volume [graph updateMonitorBGMVolume:(+5)]; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // switch bgm mode [graph switchBGMMode:SAMICore_KaraokeBGMMode_Original]; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); [graph switchBGMMode:SAMICore_KaraokeBGMMode_Accompany]; // update bgm pitch std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); [graph updateBGMPitch:4]; } }); // stop the graph [graph stop]; // get some global information SAMICore_MulDimSingScoringOverallInfo *overallInfo; [graph getOverallSingScoreInfo:overallInfo]; float global_loudness = 0; float global_peak = 0; ret = [graph getLoudnessOverallFeatures:&global_loudness global_peak:&global_peak]; float delay_ms = 0; ret = [graph getTimeAlignResultMs:&delay_ms]; // write some golbal information to json file [graph writeRecordInfoToFile:"/path/to/record_info.json"]; return 0; }
import com.mammon.audiosdk.SAMICoreKaraokeRecord; import com.mammon.audiosdk.structures.SAMICoreMulDimSingScoringOverallInfo; import com.mammon.audiosdk.structures.SAMICoreMulDimSingScoringRealtimeInfo; public class SAMIKaraokeRecordDemo { private final SAMICoreKaraokeRecord recordGraphObj = new SAMICoreKaraokeRecord(); private Thread UIInteractionThread = null; // build record graph and prepare public void prepare() { // res String accompany_path = "/path/to/accompany.wav"; String original_path = "/path/to/original.wav"; String midi_path = "/path/to/karaoke.mid"; String krc_path = "/path/to/karaoke.krc"; String vocal_path = "/path/to/karaoke_vocal.wav"; String aec_model = "/path/to/aec.model"; String time_align_model = "/path/to/time_align.model"; String record_result_path = "/path/to/record_info.json"; // param SAMICoreKaraokeRecord.KaraokeRecordParamSetting setting = new SAMICoreKaraokeRecord.KaraokeRecordParamSetting(); setting.accompany_path = accompany_path; setting.original_path = original_path; setting.sample_rate = 44100; // 16000/44100/48000 setting.max_block_samples = 1024; // player callback buffersize setting.extra_config = "{ \"backend_config\":{ \"need_backend\":true, \"loop\":false, \"dump_path\": \"/sdcard/Download\" }}"; setting.message_callback = new SAMICoreKaraokeMessageCallBack() { @Override public void MessageTracker(SAMICoreKaraokeMessageId id, SAMICoreKaraokeInfo info) { // app report log } }; Log.i(TAG, "karaoke record param: " + setting.toString()); // init graph int ret = recordGraphObj.init(setting); if (ret != 0) { Log.e(TAG, "startTest: record graph init failed"); return; } ret = recordGraphObj.setAECParam(aec_model); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "enable_aec and init succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "enable_aec but init failed\n"); } ret = recordGraphObj.setTimeAlignParam(time_align_model); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "enable_time_align and init succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "enable_time_align but init failed\n"); } ret = recordGraphObj.setSingScoreParam(1, krc_path, midi_path); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "enable_sing_score and init succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "enable_sing_score but init failed\n"); } ret = recordGraphObj.openVocalLoudnessExtractor(); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "enable_vocal_loudness and init succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "enable_vocal_loudness but init failed\n"); } recordGraphObj.setOutVocalFileParam(vocal_path); ret = recordGraphObj.prepare(); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "graph prepare succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "graph prepare failed\n"); } } public void play() { // ui interaction thread, mock function UIInteractionThread = new Thread() { // update monitor vocal volume recordGraphObj.updateMonitorVocalVolume(10); // update monitor bgm volume recordGraphObj.updateMonitorBGMVolume(10); // switch bgm mode: Accompany or Original recordGraphObj.switchBGMMode(SAMICoreKaraokeRecord.KaraokeBGMMode.Original); // update bgm pitch recordGraphObj.updateBGMPitch(4); } UIInteractionThread.start(); } public void stop() { try { UIInteractionThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; ret = recordGraphObj.stop(); if (ret == 0) { System.out.println("graph stop succeed"); } else { System.out.println("graph stop failed"); } ret = recordGraphObj.writeRecordInfoToFile(record_result_path); if (ret == 0) { System.out.println("graph set info file succeed"); } else { System.out.println("graph set info file failed"); } float[] loudness = new float[1]; float[] peak = new float[1]; ret = recordGraphObj.getLoudnessOverallFeatures(loudness, peak); System.out.println("vocal loudness: status = " + ret + ", lufs = " + loudness[0] + " , peak = " + peak[0]); float[] delay_ms = new float[1]; ret = recordGraphObj.getTimeAlignResultMs(delay_ms); System.out.println("time align result: " + ret + ":" + delay_ms[0]); SAMICoreMulDimSingScoringOverallInfo info = new SAMICoreMulDimSingScoringOverallInfo(); ret = recordGraphObj.getOverallScoreInfo(info); System.out.println("overall_score_info result: status = " + ret + ", note_score = " + info.note_score); } }
OC :头文件为SAMICoreKaraokeEdit.h,接口名称及功能与CPP对应
功能 | 接口名称 | 接口参数说明 | 接口返回值说明 及函数补充说明 |
初始化 |
| C++:
OC: | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码,并打印错误信息 注意:
开启降噪功能 |
| 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。目前仅支持unet_denoise_44k_music_model_v1.0.model。注意,设置成功之后则默认打开降噪功能 |
降噪的开关 |
| 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。注意:需要在开启降噪功能成功之后调用时才生效 |
伴奏开启响度均衡功能 |
| C++/Java: |
人声开启响度均衡功能 |
| C++/Java: | 若拍摄页开启了响度检测,且编辑页传入了 |
设置/切换音效 | updateEffectFilePath | std::string 资源文件路径 | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。 |
设置人声伴奏对齐值 |
| 调整人声和伴奏的偏移值(-1000至+1000范围)。可以使用延迟检测的结果作为参考值 |
获取总时长 | getTotalDurationMs | 编辑页可播放的总时长 单位毫秒,这里取干声文件的时长 | |
获取当前进度 | getCurrentPositionMs | 当前播放进度,毫秒 | |
播放线程中拉取播放数据 |
| 返回获取到的每通道数据采样点数。异常时返回-1。 注意: |
内部环境准备 | prepare | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。内部环境准备。仅需调用一次 | |
开始 | play | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。可在prepare之后或者pause之后调用 | |
进度控制 | seek | float seekMs 毫秒级时间 | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。 |
暂停 | pause | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。暂停后再pullAudioData时全部返回静音数据 | |
结束 | stop | 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。结束之后,不可以再拉取数据或者设置参数 | |
更新人声音量 | updateVocalVolume | float value_db 取值范围[-70, +35], -70时为静音 | |
更新伴奏音量 | updateBGMVolume | float value_db 取值范围[-70, +35], -70时为静音 | |
导出指定片段音频 |
| 0: 成功;否则返回具体错误码。android支持wav、mp3,ios支持aac、wav。必须在准备状态(graph已调用prepare未调用play的状态)或暂停状态(graph调用pause的状态)调用,不可在调用pullAudioData时调用。 |
#include "sami_core_karaoke_edit_graph.h" #include "sami_core.h" auto message_callback = [](KaraokeMessageId id, void* info) { // app report log }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // ypu must notify your token first // params SAMI::KaraokeEditSettingParam setting_param; setting_param.vocal_path = "/path/to/vocal.wav"; setting_param.bgm_path = "/path/to/bgm.wav"; setting_param.record_result_path = "/path/to/record_info.json"; setting_param.sample_rate = 44100; // player samplerate setting_param.max_block_samples = 1024; // player callback buffersize setting_param.message_callback = message_callback; SAMI::KaraokeEditGraph graph; int ret = graph.init(setting_param); if(ret != 0) { return -1; } // turn on denoise if needed. Succeed if ret == 0 ret = graph.setDenoiseModelPath("/path/to/denoise.model"); // use or change effect ret = graph.updateEffectFilePath(preset_dir + effect_path.front()); assert(ret == 0); // turn on bgm Loudnorm if needed and bgm lundness given. Succeed if ret == 0 SAMICoreLoudnormProperty bgm_loudnorm{-24, -8.09, -16.0}; ret = graph.setBGMLoudnormInfo(bgm_loudnorm); graph.prepare(); graph.play(); float totalDuration = graph.getTotalDurationMs(); // mock monitor get data with writing to file std::thread playThread = std::thread([&]() { float* data[2]; data[0] = new float [setting_param.max_block_samples]; data[1] = new float [setting_param.max_block_samples]; while(graph.getCurrentPositionMs() < totalDuration) { int frames = graph.pullAudioData(data, setting_param.max_block_samples); // play } delete [] data[0]; delete [] data[1]; }); // mock user interactive thread std::thread userInteractiveThread = std::thread([&]() { while(/* playing */) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); // update vocal volume graph.updateVocalVolume(+10); // update bgm volume graph.updateBGMVolume(+10); // change effect graph.updateEffectFilePath(preset_dir + effect_path[(effect_index++) % effect_path.size()]); // update bgm and vocal offset graph.setVocalOffsetMs(-200); } }); playThread.join(); userInteractiveThread.join(); graph.stop(); return 0; }
#import "SAMICoreKaraokeEdit.h" { // 1. create edit graph SAMICore_KaraokeEditSettingParam* param = [[SAMICore_KaraokeEditSettingParam alloc] init]; std::string bgm_path = "/path/to/accompany.wav"; std::string vocal_path = "/path/to/vocal.wav"; std::string record_result_path = "/path/to/record_info.json"; //拍摄页的分析结果写入到的文件 param.bgm_path = bgm_path.c_str(); param.vocal_path = vocal_path.c_str(); param.record_result_path = record_result_path.c_str(); param.sample_rate = 44100; param.max_block_samples = 1024; // player callback buffersize NSString *documentFilePath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,NSUserDomainMask,YES).firstObject; NSString *extra_config = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{ \"backend_config\":{ \"need_backend\":true, \"loop\":false, \"dump_path\": \"%@\" } }", documentFilePath]; param.extra_config = [extra_config UTF8String]; param.message_callback = ^(SAMICore_KaraokeMessageId id, NSDictionary* info) { // app report log }; SAMICoreKaraokeEdit* graph = [SAMICoreKaraokeEdit alloc]; int ret = [graph initEditGraphWithSettingParam:param]; if(ret != 0) { return ret; } // total durtion ms float durationMS = [graph getTotalDuratioinMs]; // 2. use denoise if needed. Succeed if ret == 0 std::string denoise_model_path = "/path/to/denoise.model"; ret = [graph setDenoiseModelPath: denoise_model_path.c_str()]; // 3. use effect. Succeed if ret == 0 std::string effect_path = "/path/to/effect"; ret = [graph updateEffectFilePath:effect_path.c_str()]; // 4. turn on bgm Loudnorm if needed and bgm lundness given. Succeed if ret == 0 SAMICore_LoudnormProperty *property = [[SAMICore_LoudnormProperty alloc] init]; property.source_lufs = -24; property.source_peak = -8; property.target_lufs = -16; ret = [graph setBGMLoudnormInfo:property]; // begin run the graph [graph prepare]; [graph play]; // mock user interactive thread std::thread userInteractiveThread = std::thread([&]() { while(playing_) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); [graph updateVocalVolume: +10]; // 调节人声音量 [graph updateBGMVolume: +10]; // 调节伴奏音量 [graph setUseDenoise:false]; // 关闭降噪 [graph setVocalOffsetMs:200]; // 设置人声伴奏便偏移,UI } }); playing_ = false; playThread.join(); userInteractiveThread.join(); // stop [graph stop]; }
import com.mammon.audiosdk.SAMICoreKaraokeEdit; public class SAMIKaraokeEditDemo { private final SAMICoreKaraokeEdit editGraphObj = new SAMICoreKaraokeEdit(); private Thread UIInteractionThread = null; public void prepare() { String vocal_path = "/path/to/vocal.wav"; String bgm_path = "/path/to/accompany.wav"; String record_result_path = "/path/to/record_info.json"; String denoise_model_path = "/path/to/denoise.model"; String effect_path = "/path/to/minions.dat"; SAMICoreKaraokeEdit.KaraokeEditSettingParam setting = new SAMICoreKaraokeEdit.KaraokeEditSettingParam(); setting.vocal_path = vocal_path; setting.bgm_path = bgm_path; setting.record_result_path = record_result_path; setting.sample_rate = samplerateInConfig; int bufferSize = 1024; setting.max_block_samples = bufferSize; // player callback buffersize setting.extra_config = "{ \"backend_config\":{ \"need_backend\":true, \"loop\":false, \"dump_path\": \"/sdcard/Download\" } }"; setting.message_callback = new SAMICoreKaraokeMessageCallBack() { @Override public void MessageTracker(SAMICoreKaraokeMessageId id, SAMICoreKaraokeInfo info) { // app report log } }; Log.i(TAG, "karaoke edit param: " + setting.toString()); // init graph int ret = editGraphObj.init(setting); if (ret != 0) { Log.e(TAG, "startTest: edit graph init failed"); return; } ret = editGraphObj.setDenoiseModelPath(denoise_model_path); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "enable_denoise and init succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "enable_denoise but init failed\n"); } ret = editGraphObj.updateEffectFilePath(effect_path); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "use effect and init succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "use effect but init failed\n"); } ret = editGraphObj.prepare(); if (ret == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "graph prepare succeed\n"); } else { Log.e(TAG, "graph prepare failed\n"); } } public void play() { editGraphObj.play(); // ui interaction thread, mock function UIInteractionThread = new Thread() { // update vocal volume editGraphObj.updateVocalVolume(+10); // update bgm volume editGraphObj.updateBGMVolume(+10); // change effect editGraphObj.updateEffectFilePath(new_effect_path); // update bgm and vocal offset editGraphObj.setVocalOffsetMs(-200); } } public void stop() { try { UIInteractionThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; editGraphObj.pause(); editGraphObj.exportAudioDataToAudioFile(file_path, 0, -1, new SAMICoreKaraokeEdit.SAMICoreKaraokeProgressCallback() { @Override public void progressCallback(float current_time) { Log.i(TAG, "current Time is " + current_time + "ms"); } }); editGraphObj.stop(); } }
#include "karaoke_utils.h" // static method to parse midi file. Return a state value and midi content std::tuple<int, MidiFileContent> KaraokeUtils::parseMidiFile(std::string midiFilePath) //===== infomation of MidiFileContent =========== struct MidiPitchInfo { int startMs{-1}; int durationMs{-1}; int pitch{0}; }; using MidiFileContent = std::vector<MidiPitchInfo>;
Java版 调用示例
import com.mammon.audiosdk.MammonIo; MammonIo io = new MammonIo(); MammonMidiNote[] notes = io.readMidiNotesFromFile(midi_path, -1, true);
#include "karaoke_utils.h" // static method to parse krc file. Return a state value and krc's content std::tuple<int, KrcFileContent> parseLyricFile(const std::string& krcFilePath); //===== infomation of KrcFileContent =========== // one word info in krc files struct KrcWordInfo { int startOffsetMs{-1}; int durationMs{-1}; std::string word; }; // one sentence content which contains several words struct KrcLineContent { int lineStartMs{-1}; int lineDuration{-1}; std::string lyricStr; std::vector<KrcWordInfo> lineWordsInfo; }; using KrcFileContent = std::vector<KrcLineContent>;
说明: 拍摄页和编辑页均支持更新人声和伴奏音量。这里做详细说明。
传入参数为增益值, 单位dB. 0dB即输入输出不变。我们支持的理论范围是[-70, +35], 超出此范围则会按照对应边界值生效。
用户可调范围不必要[-70, +35]这么大,可以是[-30, +6]即可。或者稍微有调整。加太大时,整体音量很大,但是为了避免爆音,就用limiter压下来了,就会将底噪等声音凸显出来。
{ "bgm_latency_ms":"23.219955", // 拍摄页bgm延时时长 "bgm_pitch_shift_semitone_normalised":"0.000000", // 拍摄页bgm调整的音高的归一值 "startTimeMs": 0, // 音频开始时间,相对于bgm可能有偏移, 比如从第10s开始录制 "endTimeMs": 60000, // 音频结束时间 "enableAEC": 1, // 回声消除功能是否创建成功。成功为1,否则为0 "enableTimeAlign": 1, // 延迟检测功能是否创建成功。成功为1,否则为0 "enableLoudnorm": 1, // 响度检测功能是否创建成功。成功为1,否则为0 "enableSingScore": 1, // 音高打分功能是否创建成功。成功为1,否则为0 "loudnessResult":{ "status": 0, // 响度检测是否结果正常。正常为0,否则为错误码 "peak": 1.0, // 响度检测结果:音频中的幅值峰值 "global_loudness": -20 // 响度检测结果:全局lufs }, "scoreResult": { "status": 0, // 打分状态码。0为正常 "note_score": 45.0, // 音高总分数 "emotion_score": 0, // 情感总分数,目前为0 "rhythm_score":0 // 节奏总分数,目前为0 }, "timeAlignResult": { "status": 0, // 延迟检测状态码。0为正常 "delay_ms": 200 // 延迟检测结果:人声和伴奏的偏移值ms } }
错误码名称 | 错误码 | 含义 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_IMPL_ERROR | 200001 | 内部类对象为空,出现原因常为鉴权失败 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_GRAPH_STATE_ERROR | 200002 | 内部状态错误,出现原因常为调用顺序错误 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_PARAM_ERROR | 200003 | 传入参数错误,请检查参数是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_CONTEXT_ERROR | 200004 | 内部对象context为空,出现原因常为未prepare或prepare失败 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_SET_VOLUME_FAILED | 200005 | 设置音量发生错误,请检查音量参数是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_RECORD_PRE_PROCESS_ERROR | 200006 | 拍摄页内部处理器错误,出现原因常为未prepare或prepare失败 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_RECORD_CREATE_AUDIO_FILE_FAILED | 200007 | 拍摄页创建干声文件失败,请检查文件路径、权限是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_RECORD_AUDIO_FILE_ERROR | 200008 | 拍摄页干声文件为空,请检查是否初始化干声文件 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_RECORD_GET_TIME_ALIGN_RESULT_FAILED | 200009 | 拍摄页获取延迟检测结果失败,请检查延迟检测初始化是否成功 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_RECORD_GET_SING_SCORE_RESULT_FAILED | 200010 | 拍摄页获取打分结果失败,请检查打分初始化是否成功 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_RECORD_GET_LOUDNESS_RESULT_FAILED | 200011 | 拍摄页获取响度检测结果失败,请检查响度检测初始化是否成功 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_RECORD_SWITCH_AUDIO_MODE_FAILED | 200012 | 拍摄页切换bgm模式失败,请检查传入模式是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_AUDIO_FILE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORT | 200013 | 编辑页传入导出文件格式不支持,请检查传入格式是否在sdk支持范围内 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_PARSE_JSON_ERROR | 200014 | 编辑页解析json文件失败,请检查传入json文件是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_VOCAL_FILE_INVAILID | 200015 | 编辑页传入干声文件无效,请检查传入干声文件是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_DENOISE_PROCESSER_ERROR | 200016 | 编辑页降噪处理器为空,请检查降噪初始化是否成功 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_LOUDNORM_PROCESSER_ERROR | 200017 | 编辑页音量均衡处理器为空,请检查音量均衡初始化是否成功 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_EFFECT_PROCESSER_ERROR | 200018 | 编辑页音效处理器为空,请检查音效初始化是否成功 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_BYTETUNER_PROCESSER_ERROR | 200019 | 编辑页修音处理器为空,请检查修音初始化是否成功 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_EDIT_SET_OFFSET_FAILED | 200020 | 编辑页设置干声偏移失败,请检查传入偏移值是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_SET_PITCH_SHIFT_FAILED | 200021 | 设置bgm音高失败,请检查传入半音值是否正确 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_PARSE_EXTRA_CONFIG_ERROR | 200022 | 解析extra_config失败,请检查传入extra_config字符串是否为标准json格式 |
SAMI_KARAOKE_INIT_BACKEND_FAILED | 200023 | 初始化录播器失败,请检查传入extra_config是否正确 |