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本文为您介绍调用EMR API时涉及的公共错误码信息,更多公共错误码详见:公共错误码

MissingParameter100002The request is missing %s parameter.关键参数缺失,例如 Action, Version 参数。400
MissingAuthenticationToken100003Request is missing Authentication Token.缺少身份认证的必要信息,例如 Auth 信息。401
MissingRequestInfo100004The request is missing %s information.缺少请求必要信息,例如:Access Key,Service,Region 等。400
MissingSignature100005The request is missing signature.缺少签名结果。401
InvalidTimestamp100006The Signature of the request is expired.请求过期或请求的签名时间来自未来。400
ServiceNotFound100007This service[%s] not found.请求的服务不存在。404
InvalidActionOrVersion100008Could not find operation %s for version %s.请求接口不存在。404
InvalidAccessKey100009The accesskey [%s] included in the request is invalid.请求的 Access Key 不合法。401
SignatureDoesNotMatch100010The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.签名结果不正确。401
LackPolicy100012Request was rejected because of lack of policy.子用户缺少权限。403
AccessDenied100013User is not authorized to perform: %s on resource: %s.子用户拥有的权限不支持当前操作。403
InternalError100014Service has some internal Error. Pls Contact With Admin.内部错误。500
FailToConnect100015Top Fail to Connect to Internal Service.已通过身份认证,但服务无法连接。502
InternalServiceTimeout100016Internal Service is timeout. Pls Contact With Admin.服务执行超时。504
FlowLimitExceeded100018Request was rejected because the request speed of this openAPI is beyond the current flow control limit.请求过于频繁,超出了基本限速。429
ServiceUnavailableTemp100019Service is busy, please try again later.处于熔断状态的服务暂时不可访问,稍后重试。503
MethodNotAllowed100020HTTP Method Not Allowed.Http method 不合法。405
InternalServiceError100023Service has some internal Error. Pls Contact With Admin.服务存在故障。502
InvalidAuthorization100024Invalid 'Authorization' header, Pls check authorization header.Authorization 头格式错误,检查 Authorization。400
InvalidCredential100025Invalid credential in 'Authorization', Pls check credential in authorization header.Authorization 头中的 Credential 格式错误,检查 Credential。400
InvalidSecretToken100026Invalid secret token, msg: %s.错误的 STS or STS2,可能是多种错误,例如签名错误、过期等。401