调用 ListApplicationConfigs,获取 E-MapReduce(EMR)集群应用配置列表信息。
已拥有火山引擎账号并开通 EMR 权限。
参数 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 示例值 | 描述 |
Action | String | 是 | ListApplicationConfigs | 要执行的操作,取值:ListApplicationConfigs |
Version | String | 是 | 2023-08-15 | API的版本,取值:2023-08-15 |
ClusterId | String | 是 | emr-xxx | 集群ID |
ApplicationName | String | 是 | HIVE | 应用名称 |
ConfigFileName | String | 否 | hive-site.xml | 配置文件名称 |
ConfigItemKey | String | 否 | hive.server2.authentication.ldap.url | 组件名称 |
参数 | 类型 | 示例值 | 描述 |
ApplicationName | String | HIVE | 应用名称 |
ConfigFileName | String | hive-site.xml | 配置文件名 |
ConfigItemKey | String | hive.server2.authentication.ldap.url | 配置项名称 |
PresetConfigItemValue | String | ldap://master-1-1.emr-xxx.offline-cn-beijing.emr-volces.com:389 ldap://master-1-2.emr-xxx.offline-cn-beijing.emr-volces.com:389 | 初始配置项值 |
ConfigItemValue | String | ldap://master-1-1.emr-xxx.offline-cn-beijing.emr-volces.com:389 ldap://master-1-2.emr-xxx.offline-cn-beijing.emr-volces.com:389 | 配置项值 |
Applied | Boolean | false | 是否应用生效 |
Customized | Boolean | false | 是否是用户自定义配置 |
ConfigVersion | String | xxx | 配置版本 |
OperatorId | String | xxx | 创建人ID |
Description | String | LDAP connection URL(s),\nthis value could contain URLs to multiple LDAP servers instances for HA,\neach LDAP URL is separated by a SPACE character. URLs are used in the order specified until a connection is successful.\n | 描述,来源于配置元数据 |
Remark | String | xxx | 操作备注 |
EffectiveScope | EffectiveScope | { | 影响的组件名称列表 |
UpdateTime | Long | xxx | 更新时间 |
{ "ClusterId":"emr-xxx", "ApplicationName": "HDFS" }
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "20231205140549749823963EB28xxx", "Action": "ListApplicationConfigs", "Version": "2023-08-15", "Service": "emr", "Region": "cn-beijing", "Error": null, "Deprecated": false }, "Result": { "Items": [ { "ApplicationName": "HDFS", "ConfigFileName": "hdfs-site.xml", "ConfigItemKey": "dfs.http.policy", "PresetConfigItemValue": "HTTPS_ONLY", "ConfigItemValue": "HTTPS_ONLY", "Applied": false, "Customized": false, "ConfigVersion": null, "OperatorId": null, "Description": "", "Remark": null, "EffectiveScope": { "EffectiveType": "COMPONENT_NAME", "NodeGroupIds": null, "NodeGroupNames": null, "NodeGroupTypes": null, "NodeNames": null, "NodeIds": null, "ComponentNames": [ "DATANODE" ] }, "UpdateTime": null }, { "ApplicationName": "HDFS", "ConfigFileName": "hdfs-site.xml", "ConfigItemKey": "dfs.datanode.data.dir", "PresetConfigItemValue": "/data01/hadoop/hdfs/datanode", "ConfigItemValue": "/data01/hadoop/hdfs/datanode", "Applied": false, "Customized": false, "ConfigVersion": null, "OperatorId": null, "Description": "", "Remark": null, "EffectiveScope": { "EffectiveType": "COMPONENT_NAME", "NodeGroupIds": null, "NodeGroupNames": null, "NodeGroupTypes": null, "NodeNames": null, "NodeIds": null, "ComponentNames": [ "*" ] }, "UpdateTime": null },... ], "TotalCount": 383, "MaxResults": 10, "NextToken": "TfhvaePXZl2eNA6K58wUIw==" } }
HttpCode | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 说明 |
400 | InvalidClusterId | cluster id {clusterId} not found | 集群不存在 |
400 | InvalidRequest | Access Denied {clusterId} | 对该集群没有权限 |