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Flink SQL Client 使用参考
最近更新时间:2024.01.24 15:06:29首次发布时间:2022.11.30 10:22:00

Flink 官方提供的 SQL 客户端可以支持编写 SQL、调试和提交 Flink 任务到 Flink 集群上的功能,具体使用操作,可参考Flink官方文档
本文将额外介绍几种火山引擎 E-MapReduce(EMR)Flink 的使用场景。

在火山 EMR Flink 下,我们可以通 SQL 客户端将 Flink SQL 任务提交到 standlone 集群或者 Yarn 集群。

1.1 Standlone 集群场景

Standlone 场景下需要先启动一个 Standlone 的集群,可在FLINK_HOME目录(默认为/usr/lib/emr/current/flink)下运行以下命令创建:


Standlone 集群启动成功后,可以执行以下命令启动 SQL 客户端命令行界面:

./bin/ embedded

如果想停止 Standlone 集群,可执行以下命令停止:


1.2 Yarn 集群场景

Yarn 集群场景下支持多种 Flink 任务提交模式,包括 Yarn-Session 模式,Per-Job Cluster 模式,Application 模式。

Flink SQL Client 暂不支持 Application模式

1.2.1 Session 模式

Session 模式下,需要先执行以下命令启动 Yarn Session:

./bin/ -d

Yarn Session 启动成功后,会创建一个/tmp/.yarn-properties-root文件,记录最近一次提交到 Yarn 的 Application ID,执行以下命令启动 SQL 客户端命令行界面,后续指定的 Flink SQL 会提交到之前启动的 Yarn Session Application。

./bin/ embedded -s yarn-session

可以执行以下命令停止当前启动的 Yarn Session

cat /tmp/.yarn-properties-root | grep applicationID | cut -d'=' -f 2 | xargs -I {} yarn application -kill {}

1.2.2 Per-Job Cluster 模式

Per-Job Cluster 模式无需提前启动集群,可以在启动 SQL 客户端命令行界面,设置,后续提交的每一个 Flink SQL 任务将会作为独立的任务提交到 Yarn。


yarn-per-job 模式已经在 Flink 1.16 被标记为 deprecated 状态。

./bin/ embedded

Flink SQL> set;
[INFO] Session property has been set.


# flink-conf.yaml yarn-per-job

火山 EMR Flink 支持多种方式对 TOS 对象存储进行读写操作,比如基于Hive Connector,Hudi Connector等。

以下以 yarn-session 模式为例,显示如何集成 Hive Connector。

  1. 启动 SQL 客户端命令行界面
./bin/ -d
./bin/ embedded -s yarn-session -j connectors/flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.2_2.12-1.16.1.jar
  1. 创建 Hive Catalog 以及 Demo 数据库
>   'type' = 'hive',
>   'hive-conf-dir' = '/etc/emr/hive/conf'
> );
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Flink SQL> use catalog hive;
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Flink SQL> create database demo_db;
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Flink SQL> show databases;
| database name |
|       default |
|       demo_db |
3 rows in set
  1. 建表

可以通过其它引擎创建 Hive 表,比如 Spark、Hive 等,也可以在 Flink SQL 客户端切换到 Hive Dialect 模式。

  • Spark 引擎建表
# 启动Spark SQL命令行交互界面

spark-sql> CREATE TABLE demo_tbl1 (
         >     uuid STRING,
         >     name STRING,
         >     age INT,
         >     ts TIMESTAMP
         > )
         > PARTITIONED BY (`partition` STRING);
Time taken: 0.652 seconds

spark-sql> desc formatted demo_tbl1;
uuid                        string
name                        string
age                         int
ts                          timestamp
partition                   string
# Partition Information
# col_name                  data_type                   comment
partition                   string

# Detailed Table Information
Database                    demo_db
Table                       demo_tbl1
Created Time                Fri Nov 25 15:04:43 CST 2022
Last Access                 UNKNOWN
Created By                  Spark 3.2.1
Type                        MANAGED
Provider                    hive
Table Properties            [bucketing_version=2, sink.partition-commit.policy.kind=metastore, transient_lastDdlTime=1669359883]
Location                    tos://xxxxx-v2/hms-warehouse/demo_db.db/demo_tbl1
Serde Library               org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
InputFormat                 org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
Storage Properties          [serialization.format=1]
Partition Provider          Catalog
Time taken: 0.085 seconds, Fetched 25 row(s)
  • Flink Hive Dialect 建表

从 Flink 1.16 开始,如果要使用 Hive Dialect 模式,需要对 Flink 系统部分 Jar 依赖进行调整,详情参考 官方文档,可执行以下命令进行依赖 Jar 包准备。

mv lib/flink-table-planner-loader-1.16.1.jar opt/
cp opt/flink-table-planner_2.12-1.16.1.jar lib/
cp connectors/flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.2_2.12-1.16.1.jar lib/

依赖 Jar 包调整之后,需重启 yarn-session 以及 sql-client,建表内容如下:

./bin/ embedded -s yarn-session

Flink SQL> set table.sql-dialect=hive;
[INFO] Session property has been set.

>   'type' = 'hive',
>   'hive-conf-dir' = '/etc/emr/hive/conf'
> );
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Flink SQL> use catalog hive;
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

CREATE TABLE `hive`.`demo_db`.`demo_tbl2` (
    uuid STRING, 
    name STRING, 
    age INT,
LOCATION 'tos://{bucket_name}/hms-warehouse/demo_db.db/demo_tbl2'

建议非 hive dialect 场景,不要将 connector 的 Jar 包依赖放入 lib 目录下。

  1. 读写数据
  • 批式读写数据
Flink SQL> SET 'execution.runtime-mode' = 'batch'; # 建议配置flink-conf.yaml中
[INFO] Session property has been set.

Flink SQL> INSERT INTO `hive`.`demo_db`.`demo_tbl1` VALUES
>   ('id21','Danny',23,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:01','par1'),
>   ('id22','Stephen',33,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:02','par1'),
>   ('id23','Julian',53,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:03','par2'),
>   ('id24','Fabian',31,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:04','par2'),
>   ('id25','Sophia',18,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:05','par3'),
>   ('id26','Emma',20,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:06','par3'),
>   ('id27','Bob',44,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:07','par4'),
>   ('id28','Han',56,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:08','par4');
[INFO] Submitting SQL update statement to the cluster...

Flink SQL> SET 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'tableau'; # 建议配置在flink-conf.yaml中
[INFO] Session property has been set.

Flink SQL> select * from `hive`.`demo_db`.`demo_tbl1`;
| uuid |    name | age |                            ts | partition |
| id27 |     Bob |  44 | 1970-01-01 00:00:07.000000000 |      par4 |
| id26 |    Emma |  20 | 1970-01-01 00:00:06.000000000 |      par3 |
| id22 | Stephen |  33 | 1970-01-01 00:00:02.000000000 |      par1 |
| id25 |  Sophia |  18 | 1970-01-01 00:00:05.000000000 |      par3 |
| id21 |   Danny |  23 | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000000 |      par1 |
| id28 |     Han |  56 | 1970-01-01 00:00:08.000000000 |      par4 |
| id23 |  Julian |  53 | 1970-01-01 00:00:03.000000000 |      par2 |
| id24 |  Fabian |  31 | 1970-01-01 00:00:04.000000000 |      par2 |
8 rows in set
  • 流式读写数据

对分区表进行流式写入时,需要设置分区提交策略,通知下游某个分区已经写完毕可以被读取了。非分区表可以不设置,亦可以在建表时设置到表的 properties 中。

# 切换到Streaming模式
Flink SQL> SET 'execution.runtime-mode' = 'streaming';
[INFO] Session property has been set.

# 对分区表,修改表Properties,或者在建表时设置该属性
Flink SQL> ALTER TABLE `hive`.`demo_db`.`demo_tbl1` SET ('sink.partition-commit.policy.kind'='metastore');
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Flink SQL> INSERT INTO `hive`.`demo_db`.`demo_tbl1` VALUES
>   ('id11','Danny',23,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:01','par1'),
>   ('id12','Stephen',33,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:02','par1'),
>   ('id13','Julian',53,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:03','par2'),
>   ('id14','Fabian',31,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:04','par2'),
>   ('id15','Sophia',18,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:05','par3'),
>   ('id16','Emma',20,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:06','par3'),
>   ('id17','Bob',44,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:07','par4'),
>   ('id18','Han',56,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:08','par4');
[INFO] Submitting SQL update statement to the cluster...

Flink SQL> select * from `hive`.`demo_db`.`demo_tbl1`;
| op |                           uuid |                           name |         age |                            ts |                      partition |
| +I |                           id14 |                         Fabian |          31 | 1970-01-01 00:00:04.000000000 |                           par2 |
| +I |                           id28 |                            Han |          56 | 1970-01-01 00:00:08.000000000 |                           par4 |
| +I |                           id26 |                           Emma |          20 | 1970-01-01 00:00:06.000000000 |                           par3 |
| +I |                           id13 |                         Julian |          53 | 1970-01-01 00:00:03.000000000 |                           par2 |
| +I |                           id12 |                        Stephen |          33 | 1970-01-01 00:00:02.000000000 |                           par1 |
| +I |                           id15 |                         Sophia |          18 | 1970-01-01 00:00:05.000000000 |                           par3 |
| +I |                           id18 |                            Han |          56 | 1970-01-01 00:00:08.000000000 |                           par4 |
| +I |                           id11 |                          Danny |          23 | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000000 |                           par1 |
| +I |                           id27 |                            Bob |          44 | 1970-01-01 00:00:07.000000000 |                           par4 |
| +I |                           id22 |                        Stephen |          33 | 1970-01-01 00:00:02.000000000 |                           par1 |
| +I |                           id17 |                            Bob |          44 | 1970-01-01 00:00:07.000000000 |                           par4 |
| +I |                           id25 |                         Sophia |          18 | 1970-01-01 00:00:05.000000000 |                           par3 |
| +I |                           id24 |                         Fabian |          31 | 1970-01-01 00:00:04.000000000 |                           par2 |
| +I |                           id16 |                           Emma |          20 | 1970-01-01 00:00:06.000000000 |                           par3 |
| +I |                           id23 |                         Julian |          53 | 1970-01-01 00:00:03.000000000 |                           par2 |
| +I |                           id21 |                          Danny |          23 | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000000 |                           par1 |
Received a total of 16 rows

Flink 直接集成 Hudi 进行读写 TOS 操作,并将元数据同步到 HMS 中,供其它引擎查询。下面以 Yarn per-job 为例,演示相关集成操作。
Flink 集成 Hudi 需要引入 hudi-flink-bundle 包,目前在 EMR 集群启用 Hudi 的场景下,默认已经提供 hudi-flink-bundle 包。

  1. 启动 SQL 客户端命令行页面
./bin/ embedded -j connectors/flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.2_2.12-1.16.1.jar
  1. 创建 Hudi 表,开启 HMS Hive Sync 同步

以创建 COW 表为例,并持久化 Flink 创建的 Hudi 表在 HMS 中。Flink 集成 Hudi 详细细节可参考Hudi官方文档,Flink 集成 Hudi 开启 Hive Sync 详细细节可参考 Hudi官方文档

  'type' = 'hive',
  'hive-conf-dir' = '/etc/emr/hive/conf'

CREATE TABLE `hive`.`demo_db`.`flink_hudi_cow_tbl_hms_sync_demo_original` (
  uuid VARCHAR(20),
  name VARCHAR(10),
  age INT,
  ts TIMESTAMP(3),
  `partition` VARCHAR(20)
PARTITIONED BY (`partition`)
  'connector' = 'hudi',
  'path' = 'tos://{bucket_name}/hms-warehouse/demo_db.db/flink_hudi_cow_tbl_hms_sync_demo',
  'table.type' = 'COPY_ON_WRITE',
  'hive_sync.enable' = 'true',
  'hive_sync.mode' = 'hms',
  'hive_sync.metastore.uris' = 'thrift://{ip}:{port}',
  1. 使用 Flink SQL 进行读写操作

向 COW 表中写入数据,数据写入成功后,会将元数据同步到hive_sync.table指定的 table 中,COW 场景下只会创建一个目标表,MOR 场景下除了目标表以外,还会额外创建RORT表。

INSERT INTO `hive`.`demo_db`.`flink_hudi_cow_tbl_hms_sync_demo_original` VALUES
  ('id41','Danny',23,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:01','par1'),
  ('id42','Stephen',33,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:02','par1'),
  ('id43','Julian',53,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:03','par2'),
  ('id44','Fabian',31,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:04','par2'),
  ('id45','Sophia',18,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:05','par3'),
  ('id46','Emma',20,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:06','par3'),
  ('id47','Bob',44,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:07','par4'),
  ('id48','Han',56,TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:08','par4');
Flink SQL> show tables;
|                                table name |
|          flink_hudi_cow_tbl_hms_sync_demo |
| flink_hudi_cow_tbl_hms_sync_demo_original |

Flink SQL> select * from `hive`.`demo_db`.`flink_hudi_cow_tbl_hms_sync_demo_original`;
| op |                           uuid |                           name |         age |                      ts |                      partition |
| +I |                           id38 |                            Han |          56 | 1970-01-01 00:00:08.000 |                           par4 |
| +I |                           id37 |                            Bob |          44 | 1970-01-01 00:00:07.000 |                           par4 |
| +I |                           id31 |                          Danny |          23 | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000 |                           par1 |
| +I |                           id32 |                        Stephen |          33 | 1970-01-01 00:00:02.000 |                           par1 |
| +I |                           id35 |                         Sophia |          18 | 1970-01-01 00:00:05.000 |                           par3 |
| +I |                           id36 |                           Emma |          20 | 1970-01-01 00:00:06.000 |                           par3 |
| +I |                           id33 |                         Julian |          53 | 1970-01-01 00:00:03.000 |                           par2 |
| +I |                           id34 |                         Fabian |          31 | 1970-01-01 00:00:04.000 |                           par2 |
  1. 使用 Spark 引擎进行读操作
spark-sql --conf 'spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer' \
--conf 'spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSparkSessionExtension' \
--conf 'spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog=org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.catalog.HoodieCatalog'

spark-sql> use demo_db;

spark-sql> show tables;
Time taken: 0.072 seconds, Fetched 2 row(s)

spark-sql> select * from flink_hudi_cow_tbl_hms_sync_demo;
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_2_0        id31        par1        1bde4613-4260-4349-bf4a-23a4a5d35c77_2-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id31        Danny        231970-01-01 08:00:01        par1
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_2_1        id32        par1        1bde4613-4260-4349-bf4a-23a4a5d35c77_2-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id32        Stephen        331970-01-01 08:00:02        par1
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_2_2        id42        par1        1bde4613-4260-4349-bf4a-23a4a5d35c77_2-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id42        Stephen        331970-01-01 08:00:02        par1
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_2_3        id41        par1        1bde4613-4260-4349-bf4a-23a4a5d35c77_2-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id41        Danny        231970-01-01 08:00:01        par1
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_1_0        id33        par2        4bd429d0-6af4-47c5-829f-887568c015f7_1-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id33        Julian        531970-01-01 08:00:03        par2
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_1_1        id34        par2        4bd429d0-6af4-47c5-829f-887568c015f7_1-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id34        Fabian        311970-01-01 08:00:04        par2
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_1_2        id44        par2        4bd429d0-6af4-47c5-829f-887568c015f7_1-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id44        Fabian        311970-01-01 08:00:04        par2
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_1_3        id43        par2        4bd429d0-6af4-47c5-829f-887568c015f7_1-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id43        Julian        531970-01-01 08:00:03        par2
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_0_0        id35        par3        8f4f152c-898c-44f1-aeea-4d8e158a24ff_0-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id35        Sophia        181970-01-01 08:00:05        par3
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_0_1        id36        par3        8f4f152c-898c-44f1-aeea-4d8e158a24ff_0-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id36        Emma        201970-01-01 08:00:06        par3
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_0_2        id46        par3        8f4f152c-898c-44f1-aeea-4d8e158a24ff_0-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id46        Emma        201970-01-01 08:00:06        par3
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_0_3        id45        par3        8f4f152c-898c-44f1-aeea-4d8e158a24ff_0-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id45        Sophia        181970-01-01 08:00:05        par3
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_3_0        id38        par4        24b3d004-5111-4ecd-8bb3-aa8ee80d5f7a_3-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id38        Han        561970-01-01 08:00:08        par4
20221125181029843        20221125181029843_3_1        id37        par4        24b3d004-5111-4ecd-8bb3-aa8ee80d5f7a_3-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id37        Bob        441970-01-01 08:00:07        par4
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_3_2        id48        par4        24b3d004-5111-4ecd-8bb3-aa8ee80d5f7a_3-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id48        Han        561970-01-01 08:00:08        par4
20221126092842836        20221126092842836_3_3        id47        par4        24b3d004-5111-4ecd-8bb3-aa8ee80d5f7a_3-4-0_20221126092842836.parquet        id47        Bob        441970-01-01 08:00:07        par4
Time taken: 7.876 seconds, Fetched 16 row(s)

火上EMR Flink支持通过Flink Doris Connector将数据写入Doris中,并在connector目录下内置了Doris Connector。下面以Yarn per-job为例,演示通过Flink读写Doris。

  1. 启动SQL客户端命令行页面
# 注意不同EMR版本,connector包的版本有差异,可根据实际connector的版本进行调整
/usr/lib/emr/current/flink/bin/ embedded \
-j connectors/flink-doris-connector-1.16-1.3.0-ve-1.jar
  1. 远程连接Doris,并创建目标表。


-- mysql -P9030 -uxxxx -p

USE demo_db;

CREATE TABLE all_employees_info (
    emp_no       int NOT NULL,
    birth_date   date,
    first_name   varchar(20),
    last_name    varchar(20),
    gender       char(2),
    hire_date    date
UNIQUE KEY(`emp_no`, `birth_date`)
"replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1"
  1. Flink建表Doris Sink表,并插入数据
-- 创建Doris Sink表  
CREATE TABLE doris_sink (
    emp_no       int ,
    birth_date   STRING,
    first_name   STRING,
    last_name    STRING,
    gender       STRING,
    hire_date    STRING
  'connector' = 'doris',
  'fenodes' = '',
  'table.identifier' = 'demo_db.all_employees_info',
  'username' = 'test_user',
  'password' = 'test_passwd',

Flink SQL> INSERT INTO `doris_sink` VALUES 
  1. Flink创建Doris Source表,并读取数据
-- 创建Doris Source表
Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE doris_source (
    emp_no       int ,
    birth_date   DATE,
    first_name   STRING,
    last_name    STRING,
    gender       STRING,
    hire_date    DATE
  'connector' = 'doris',
  'fenodes' = '',
  'table.identifier' = 'demo_db.all_employees_info',
  'username' = 'test_user',
  'password' = 'test_passwd',
  '' = 'emp_no,birth_date,first_name,last_name,gender,hire_date'

-- 读取数据
Flink SQL> select * from doris_source;
| op |      emp_no | birth_date |                     first_name |                      last_name |                         gender |  hire_date |
| +I |       10001 | 1953-09-02 |                         Georgi |                        Facello |                              M | 1986-06-26 |
| +I |       10002 | 1964-06-02 |                        Bezalel |                         Simmel |                              F | 1985-11-21 |
| +I |       10003 | 1959-12-03 |                          Parto |                        Bamford |                              M | 1986-08-28 |
| +I |       10004 | 1954-05-01 |                      Chirstian |                        Koblick |                              M | 1986-12-01 |
| +I |       10005 | 1955-01-21 |                        Kyoichi |                       Maliniak |                              M | 1989-09-12 |
| +I |       10006 | 1953-04-20 |                         Anneke |                        Preusig |                              F | 1989-06-02 |
| +I |       10007 | 1957-05-23 |                        Tzvetan |                      Zielinski |                              F | 1989-02-10 |
| +I |       10008 | 1958-02-19 |                         Saniya |                       Kalloufi |                              M | 1994-09-15 |
| +I |       10009 | 1952-04-19 |                         Sumant |                           Peac |                              F | 1985-02-18 |
| +I |       10010 | 1963-06-01 |                      Duangkaew |                       Piveteau |                              F | 1989-08-24 |
Received a total of 10 rows

与Doris Connector类似,火上EMR Flink支持通过Flink StarRocks Connector将数据写入StarRocks中,并在connector目录下内置了StarRocks Connector。下面以Yarn per-job为例,演示通过Flink读写StarRocks。

  1. 启动SQL客户端命令行页面
# 注意不同EMR版本,connector包的版本有差异,可根据实际connector的版本进行调整
/usr/lib/emr/current/flink/bin/ embedded \
-j connectors/flink-starrocks-connector-1.16-1.2.5-ve-1.jar

  1. 远程连接StarRocks,并创建目标表


-- mysql -P9030 -uxxxx -p

mysql> CREATE DATABASE demo_db;
mysql> USE demo_db;

mysql> CREATE TABLE all_employees_info (
    emp_no       int NOT NULL,
    birth_date   date,
    first_name   varchar(20),
    last_name    varchar(20),
    gender       char(2),
    hire_date    date
UNIQUE KEY(`emp_no`, `birth_date`)
"replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1"
  1. Flink 创建 StarRocks Sink 表,并插入数据
-- 创建Sink表
Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE sr_sink (
    emp_no       int ,
    birth_date   STRING,
    first_name   STRING,
    last_name    STRING,
    gender       STRING,
    hire_date    STRING
  'connector' = 'starrocks',
  'load-url' = '',
  'jdbc-url' = 'jdbc:mysql://',
  'database-name' = 'demo_db',
  'table-name' = 'all_employees_info',
  'username' = 'test_user',
  'password' = 'test_passwd'

Flink SQL> INSERT INTO `sr_sink` VALUES 
  1. Flink创建StarRocks Source表,并查询数据
-- 创建Source表
Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE sr_source (
    emp_no       int ,
    birth_date   STRING,
    first_name   STRING,
    last_name    STRING,
    gender       STRING,
    hire_date    STRING
  'connector' = 'starrocks',
  'scan-url' = '',
  'jdbc-url' = 'jdbc:mysql://',
  'database-name' = 'demo_db',
  'table-name' = 'all_employees_info',
  'username' = 'test_user',
  'password' = 'test_passwd'

Flink SQL> SELECT * FROM sr_source;
| op |      emp_no |                     birth_date |                     first_name |                      last_name |                         gender |                      hire_date |
| +I |       10001 |                     1953-09-02 |                         Georgi |                        Facello |                              M |                     1986-06-26 |
| +I |       10002 |                     1964-06-02 |                        Bezalel |                         Simmel |                              F |                     1985-11-21 |
| +I |       10003 |                     1959-12-03 |                          Parto |                        Bamford |                              M |                     1986-08-28 |
| +I |       10004 |                     1954-05-01 |                      Chirstian |                        Koblick |                              M |                     1986-12-01 |
| +I |       10005 |                     1955-01-21 |                        Kyoichi |                       Maliniak |                              M |                     1989-09-12 |
| +I |       10006 |                     1953-04-20 |                         Anneke |                        Preusig |                              F |                     1989-06-02 |
| +I |       10007 |                     1957-05-23 |                        Tzvetan |                      Zielinski |                              F |                     1989-02-10 |
| +I |       10008 |                     1958-02-19 |                         Saniya |                       Kalloufi |                              M |                     1994-09-15 |
| +I |       10009 |                     1952-04-19 |                         Sumant |                           Peac |                              F |                     1985-02-18 |
| +I |       10010 |                     1963-06-01 |                      Duangkaew |                       Piveteau |                              F |                     1989-08-24 |
Received a total of 10 rows

火上 Bytehouse(云数仓版)支持通过 Flink ByteHouse-Cdw Connector 将数据写入 ByteHouse(云数仓版)中,并在 connectors 目录下内置了 Bytehouse-cdw Connector。下面以 Yarn per-job 为例,演示通过 datagen 写入ByteHouse(云数仓版本)。

  1. 参考 ByteHouse云数仓版 / 快速入门 创建bytehouse集群和建表, 其中建库和建表语句如下

    create databese flink_bytehouse_test;
    CREATE TABLE `flink_bytehouse_test`.`cnch_table_test`
         test_key   STRING,
         test_value UInt64,
         ts         UInt64
    ENGINE = CnchMergeTree
    ORDER BY (test_key);
  2. 启动 SQL 客户端命令行页面

    # 注意不同EMR版本,connector包的版本有差异,可根据实际connector的版本进行调整
    /usr/lib/emr/current/flink/bin/ embedded \
    -j connectors/flink-sql-connector-bytehouse-cdw_2.12-1.25.4-1.16.jar 
  3. Flink创建ByteHouse(云数仓版本)Sink表,通过datagen 插入数据到ByteHouse(云数仓表)

CREATE  TABLE random_source (
            test_key   STRING,
            test_value BIGINT,
            ts         BIGINT
        WITH (
            'connector' = 'datagen',
            'rows-per-second' = '1'

CREATE  TABLE cnch_table (test_key STRING, test_value BIGINT, ts BIGINT)
        WITH (
            'connector' = 'bytehouse-cdw',
            'database' = 'flink_bytehouse_test',
            'table-name' = 'cnch_table_test',
            'bytehouse.gateway.region' = 'VOLCANO',
            'bytehouse.gateway.access-key-id' = '<此处填写用户实际的 AK>',
            'bytehouse.gateway.secret-key' = '<此处填写用户实际的 SK>'

INSERT INTO cnch_table
FROM    random_source;
  1. 进入bytehouse SQL 工作表 页签,单击选择对应角色和正在运行的计算组, 执行查询插入数据的条数
select count(*) from `flink_bytehouse_test`.`cnch_table_test`;

类似ByteHouse(云数仓版), 火上ByteHouse(企业版)支持通过Flink ByteHouse-CE connector将数据写入到ByteHouse(企业版)中。并在 connectors 目录下内置了 Bytehouse-CE Connector(EMR 1.8.0 开始内置)。下面以 Yarn per-job 为例,演示通过 datagen 写入ByteHouse(企业版)。

  1. 参考ByteHouse(企业版)库表创建,创建bytehouse集群和建表

  1. 启动 SQL 客户端命令行页面
/usr/lib/emr/current/flink/bin/ embedded \
-j connectors/flink-sql-connector-bytehouse-ce_2.12-1.25.4-1.16.jar  

  1. 通过gateway的方式的插入数据到Bytehouse(企业版)
CREATE  TABLE random_source (
            test_key   STRING,
            test_value BIGINT,
            ts         BIGINT
        WITH (
            'connector' = 'datagen',
            'rows-per-second' = '1'

CREATE  TABLE cnch_table (test_key STRING, test_value BIGINT, ts BIGINT)
        WITH (
            'connector' = 'bytehouse-ce',
            'clickhouse.shard-discovery.kind' = 'CE_GATEWAY',
            '' = '',
            'bytehouse.ce.gateway.port' = '8123',            
            'sink.enable-upsert' = 'false',
            'clickhouse.cluster' = 'bytehouse_cluster_enct', -- bytehouse集群名称
            'database' = 'default', -- 目标数据库
            'table-name' = 'cnch_table_test', -- 目标表 注意是local表:{table_name}_local
            'username' = '', -- bytehouse 用户
            'password' = 'xxx' -- bytehouse 密码

INSERT INTO cnch_table SELECT  * FROM  random_source;
  1. 进入ByteHouse(企业版) 数据查询页面,选择对应的集群,执行查询插入数据的条数
select count(*)  FROM `default`.`cnch_table_test`;