参数 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 示例值 | 描述 |
Action | String | 是 | PostApiV1AssetDescribeDetail | 要执行的操作,取值:PostApiV1AssetDescribeDetail。 |
Version | String | 是 | 2023-05-01 | API的版本,取值:2023-05-01。 |
resource_vendor | String | 是 | volcengine | 云厂商 |
resource_type | String | 是 | ComputeVm | 资产类型 |
resource_cloud_account_id | String | 是 | 900000000123 | 资产所属云账号ID |
resource_id | String | 是 | i-ydexxxxxxxx | 资产ID |
参数 | 类型 | 示例值 | 描述 |
resource_vendor | String | volcengine | 云厂商 |
resource_type | String | ComputeVm | 资产类型 |
resource_id | String | i-2ze2exxxxixypvyycxay | 资产ID |
resource_name | String | launch-advisor-20241031 | 资产名称 |
region | String | cn-beijing | 资产所属区域 |
resource_cloud_account_id | String | 900000000123 | 所属云账号ID |
resource_cloud_account_name | String | volc-account-1 | 所属云账号名称 |
cloud_product_type | String | volc-ecs | 云产品类型 |
created_time_milli | Long | 1730367960000 | 资产创建时间 |
business_tag_ids | Array of String | [ | 业务标签ID列表 |
security_labels_tag_ids | Array of String | [ | 安全标签ID列表 |
security_situation_tag_ids | Array of String | [ | 安全状况标签ID列表 |
updated_op_records | Array of Object | 变更操作记录 |
POST /?Action=PostApiV1AssetDescribeDetail&Version=2023-05-01 HTTP/1.1 Host: open.volcengineapi.com Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 X-Date: 20241105T031802Z X-Content-Sha256: 287e874e******d653b44d21e Authorization: HMAC-SHA256 Credential=Adfks******wekfwe/20241105/cn-beijing/mcs/request, SignedHeaders=host;x-content-sha256;x-date, Signature=47a7d934ff7b37c03938******cd7b8278a40a1057690c401e92246a0e41085f { "resource_vendor": "volcengine", "resource_type": "ComputeVm", "resource_cloud_account_id": "900000000123", "resource_id": "i-ydexxxxxxxx" }
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "20241105112246184172027102F4C59E", "Action": "PostApiV1AssetDescribeDetail", "Version": "2023-05-01", "Service": "mcs", "Region": "cn-beijing" }, "Result": { "resource_vendor": "volcengine", "resource_type": "ComputeVm", "resource_id": "i-2ze2exxxxixypvyycxay", "resource_name": "launch-advisor-20241031", "region": "cn-beijing", "resource_cloud_account_id": "900000000123", "resource_cloud_account_name": "volc-account-1", "cloud_product_type": "volc-ecs", "created_time_milli": 1730367960000, "business_tag_ids": [ "业务标签-1", "业务标签-2" ], "security_labels_tag_ids": [ "security_label_tag_1", "security_label_tag_2" ], "security_situation_tag_ids": [ "ExistAlarmRisk", "ExistVulnRisk", "ExistCSPMRisk" ], "updated_op_records": [ { "op_time_milli": 1730737417000, "op_detail": "机器重启" } ] } }
状态码 | 错误码 | 说明 |
400 | InvalidParameter | 无效参数 |
400 | OperationDenied | 操作被拒绝 |
400 | MissingParameter | 缺失参数 |
500 | InternalError | 内部错误 |