名称 | 类型 | 是否必选 | 示例值 | 描述 |
Action | String | 是 | CreateVpnConnectionHealthCheckers | 要执行的操作,取值:CreateVpnConnectionHealthCheckers。 |
Version | String | 是 | 2020-04-01 | API版本信息。 |
VpnConnectionId | String | 是 | vgc-273zkshb2qayo7fap8t21 | IPsec连接的ID。 |
HealthCheckConfigs.N.LocalIp | String | 是 | HealthCheckConfigs.1.LocalIp=100.XX.XX.10&HealthCheckConfigs.2.LocalIp=100.XX.XX.11 | 健康检查的源IP,源IP指本地数据中心或对端VPC通过IPsec连接,可以访问的本端VPC侧的IP地址。
HealthCheckConfigs.N.RemoteIp | String | 是 | HealthCheckConfigs.1.RemoteIp=192.XX.XX.12&HealthCheckConfigs.2.RemoteIp=192.XX.XX.18 | 健康检查的目的IP,目的IP是本端VPC通过IPsec连接,可以访问的对端数据中心或对端VPC的IP地址。
HealthCheckConfigs.N.CheckInterval | Integer | 否 | HealthCheckConfigs.1.CheckInterval=3&HealthCheckConfigs.2.CheckInterval=3 | 执行健康检查的时间间隔。
HealthCheckConfigs.N.UpTime | Integer | 否 | HealthCheckConfigs.1.UpTime=3&HealthCheckConfigs.2.UpTime=3 | 健康检查的健康阈值。
HealthCheckConfigs.N.DownTime | Integer | 否 | HealthCheckConfigs.1.DownTime=3&HealthCheckConfigs.2.DownTime=3 | 健康检查的不健康阈值。
HealthCheckConfigs.N.Timeout | Integer | 否 | HealthCheckConfigs.1.Timeout=2&HealthCheckConfigs.2.Timeout=2 | 健康检查的响应超时时间。
ClientToken | String | 否 | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-42665544**** | 客户端Token,用于保证请求幂等性。
名称 | 类型 | 示例值 | 描述 |
RequestId | String | 0ED8D006-F706-4D23-88ED-E11ED28D**** | 请求ID。 |
CheckerIds | List | ["vhc-fejkfjkrg3ef0****", "vhc-def1we6nzla****"] | 新创建健康检查ID的列表。 |
GET /?Action=Action=CreateVpnConnectionHealthCheckers&Version=2020-04-01&VpnConnectionId=vgc-imj14gcqbbpc8gbss****&HealthCheckConfigs.1.LocalIp=172.XX.XX.134&HealthCheckConfigs.1.RemoteIp=172.XX.XX.253&HealthCheckConfigs.1.CheckInterval=5&HealthCheckConfigs.1.UpTime=3&HealthCheckConfigs.1.DownTime=3&HealthCheckConfigs.1.Timeout=3 HTTP/1.1 Host: open.volcengineapi.com ServiceName: vpn Region: cn-beijing
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "20240318143303A529B2D8F6C6E2****", "Action": "CreateVpnConnectionHealthCheckers", "Version": "2020-04-01", "Service": "vpn", "Region": "cn-beijing" }, "Result": { "RequestId": "20240318143303A529B2D8F6C6E2****", "CheckerIds": [ "vhc-12b9ncfrstuyo17q7y1dn****" ] } }
HttpCode | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | IdempotentParameterMismatch | Arguments on this idempotent request are inconsistent with arguments used in previous request(s). | 此幂等请求的参数与前一个请求中使用的参数不一致。 |
400 | InvalidCheckInterval.Malformed | The specified check interval is malformed. | 指定的check interval不合法。 |
400 | InvalidDownTime.Malformed | The specified check downtime is malformed. | 指定的check downtime不合法。 |
400 | InvalidHealthCheckConfig.Empty | Health check configuration is empty. | 指定的健康检查配置为空。 |
400 | InvalidHealthCheckConfig.IpPairExists | The specified local ip and remote ip is the same with that of another health checker in the same VPN connection. | 指定的local ip和remote ip和此IPSec连接的其他健康检查相同。 |
400 | InvalidHealthCheckConfig.LocalIpConflict | The specified local ip conflicts with that of another health checker in the same VPN gateway. | 指定的local ip和此网关其他健康检查冲突。 |
400 | InvalidHealthCheckConfig.RemoteIpConflict | The specified remote ip conflicts with that of another health checker in the same VPN gateway. | 指定的remote ip和此网关其他健康检查冲突。 |
400 | InvalidHealthCheckConfig.RemoteIpInUse | The specified remote ip conflicts with the address used in the VPN gateway. | 指定的remote ip和此网关本地ip冲突。 |
400 | InvalidHeathCheckConfig.LocalIpInUse | The specified local ip conflicts with the address used in the VPN gateway. | 指定的local ip和此网关本地ip冲突。 |
400 | InvalidLocalIp.Malformed | The specified local IP is malformed. | 指定的local ip不合法。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.ClientTokenMalformed | The specified parameter ClientToken is malformed. | 指定的参数ClientToken格式不合法,长度不能超过64个ASCII字符。 |
400 | InvalidRemoteIp.Malformed | The specified remote ip is malformed. | 指定的remote ip不合法。 |
400 | InvalidTimeout.Malformed | The specified check timeout is malformed. | 指定的check timeout不合法。 |
400 | InvalidUpTime.Malformed | The specified check uptime is malformed. | 指定的check uptime不合法。 |
400 | InvalidVpnConnection.InvalidStatus | The specified VPN connection is not in the correct status for the request. | 指定的VPN连接所处的状态无法响应该请求。 |
400 | InvalidVpnGateway.FirmwareNotSupported | The specified features aren't supported by the VPN gateway, please upgrade your VPN gateway. | VPN网关不支持所选择的功能,请升级您的VPN网关。 |
400 | InvalidVpnGateway.InvalidStatus | The specified VPN gateway is not in the correct status for the request. | 指定的VPN网关所处的状态无法响应该请求。 |
400 | QuotaExceeded.VpnGatewayHealthCheckers | You've reached the limit on the number of health checkers per VPN gateway that you can create. | 已达到每个VPN网关可创建的健康检查数量上限。 |
400 | InvalidHealthCheckConfig.IpPairMalformed | The specified remote ip is the same with the local ip. | 健康检查指定的remote ip和local ip重复。 |
404 | InvalidVpnConnection.NotFound | The specified IPSec connection does not exist. | 指定的IPSec连接不存在。 |
412 | IdempotentProcessing | The request uses the same client token as a previous one that is still in process. | 幂等请求处理中。 |