火山引擎云搜索服务基于开源 Elasticsearch 和 OpenSearch 实现,默认支持完善成熟的文本检索和向量检索能力,同时针对混合搜索场景进行了一系列的功能迭代和演进,现在提供了开箱即用的混合搜索(Hybrid Search)解决方案。本文将以图像搜索应用为例,介绍如何借助火山引擎云搜索服务快速开发一个混合搜索应用。
在搜索应用中,传统的 Keyword Search 一直是主要的搜索方法,它适合精确匹配查询的场景,能够提供低延迟和良好的结果可解释性,但是 Keyword Search 并没有考虑上下文信息,可能产生不相关的结果。
近几年,基于向量检索技术的搜索增强技术 Semantic Search 越来越流行,通过使用机器学习模型将数据对象(文本、图像、音视频等)转化成向量,向量距离代表对象间的相似性,如果使用的模型和问题领域相关性高,则往往能更好地理解上下文和搜索意图,进而提高搜索结果的相关性,反之,如果模型和问题领域相关性不高,效果会大打折扣。
Keyword Search 和 Semantic Search 都存在明显的优劣势,可以通过组合它们的优点来整体提高搜索的相关性。但是简单的算术组合并不能收到预期的效果,主要原因有两个:
混合搜索(Hybrid Search)方案能单独执行每个查询子句,同时收集分片级别的查询结果,最后对所有查询的评分进行归一化合并后返回最终的结果。
火山引擎云搜索基于开源 Elasticsearch 和 OpenSearch 实现,默认支持完善成熟的文本检索和向量检索能力,同时针对混合搜索场景也进行了一系列的功能迭代和演进,提供了开箱即用的混合搜索(Hybrid Search)解决方案。本文将以图像搜索应用为例,介绍如何借助火山引擎云搜索服务快速开发一个混合搜索应用。
模型为例。pip install -U opensearch-py pip install -U pandas pip install -U jupyter pip install -U requests pip install -U s3fs pip install -U alive_progress pip install -U pillow pip install -U ipython
是远程机器学习模型的调用信息配置。您需要提前在模型的调用信息查看,将调用信息中的 remote_config 配置全部复制到 model_remote_config。./ca.cer
。请提前从 OpenSearch 实例的基本信息页面下载证书到当前目录。# Prepare opensearch info from opensearchpy import OpenSearch as CloudSearch from ssl import create_default_context # opensearch info opensearch_domain = '{{ OPENSEARCH_DOMAIN }}' opensearch_port = '9200' opensearch_user = 'admin' opensearch_pwd = '{{ OPENSEARCH_PWD }}' # remote config for model server model_remote_config = { "method": "POST", "url": "{{ REMOTE_MODEL_URL }}", "params": {}, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "advance_request_body": { "model": "sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2" } } # dimension for knn vector knn_dimension = 384 # load cer and create ssl context ssl_context = create_default_context(cafile='./ca.cer') # create CloudSearch client cloud_search_cli = CloudSearch([opensearch_domain, opensearch_port], ssl_context=ssl_context, scheme="https", http_auth=(opensearch_user, opensearch_pwd) ) # index name index_name = 'index-test' # pipeline id pipeline_id = 'remote_text_embedding_test' # search pipeline id search_pipeline_id = 'rrf_search_pipeline_test'
创建 Ingest Pipeline,指定使用的机器学习模型,将指定字段转换为向量后嵌入回去。以下示例表示将 caption 字段转为向量存储到 caption_embedding 中。
# Create ingest pipeline pipeline_body = { "description": "text embedding pipeline for remote inference", "processors": [{ "remote_text_embedding": { "remote_config": model_remote_config, "field_map": { "caption": "caption_embedding" } } }] } # create request resp = cloud_search_cli.ingest.put_pipeline(id=pipeline_id, body=pipeline_body) print(resp)
创建查询需要使用的 Pipeline,配置好远程模型。
。此处选择使用 rrf 归一化方法。arithmetic_mean
。# Create search pipeline import requests search_pipeline_body = { "description": "post processor for hybrid search", "request_processors": [{ "remote_embedding": { "remote_config": model_remote_config } }], "phase_results_processors": [ # normalization and combination { "normalization-processor": { "normalization": { "technique": "rrf", # the normalization technique in the processor is set to rrf "parameters": { "rank_constant": 60 # param } }, "combination": { "technique": "arithmetic_mean", # the combination technique is set to arithmetic mean "parameters": { "weights": [ 0.4, 0.6 ] } } } } ] } headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } # create request resp = requests.put( url="https://" + opensearch_domain + ':' + opensearch_port + '/_search/pipeline/' + search_pipeline_id, auth=(opensearch_user, opensearch_pwd), json=search_pipeline_body, headers=headers, verify='./ca.cer') print(resp.text)
# Create k-NN index # create index and set settings, mappings, and properties as needed. index_body = { "settings": { "index.knn": True, "number_of_shards": 1, "number_of_replicas": 0, "default_pipeline": pipeline_id # ingest pipeline }, "mappings": { "properties": { "image_url": { "type": "text" }, "caption_embedding": { "type": "knn_vector", "dimension": knn_dimension, "method": { "engine": "faiss", "space_type": "l2", "name": "hnsw", "parameters": {} } }, "caption": { "type": "text" } } } } # create index resp = cloud_search_cli.indices.create(index=index_name, body=index_body) print(resp)
# Prepare dataset import pandas as pd import string appended_data = [] for character in string.digits[0:] + string.ascii_lowercase: if character == '1': break try: meta = pd.read_json("s3://amazon-berkeley-objects/listings/metadata/listings_" + character + ".json.gz", lines=True) except FileNotFoundError: continue appended_data.append(meta) appended_data_frame = pd.concat(appended_data) appended_data_frame.shape meta = appended_data_frame def func_(x): us_texts = [item["value"] for item in x if item["language_tag"] == "en_US"] return us_texts[0] if us_texts else None meta = meta.assign(item_name_in_en_us=meta.item_name.apply(func_)) meta = meta[~meta.item_name_in_en_us.isna()][["item_id", "item_name_in_en_us", "main_image_id"]] print(f"#products with US English title: {len(meta)}") meta.head() image_meta = pd.read_csv("s3://amazon-berkeley-objects/images/metadata/images.csv.gz") dataset = meta.merge(image_meta, left_on="main_image_id", right_on="image_id") dataset.head()
上传数据集到 Opensearch,针对每条数据,传入 image_url 和 caption,无需传入 caption_embedding,将通过机器学习模型自动生成。
# Upload dataset import json from alive_progress import alive_bar cnt = 0 batch = 0 action = json.dumps({"index": {"_index": index_name}}) body_ = '' with alive_bar(len(dataset), force_tty=True) as bar: for index, row in (dataset.iterrows()): if row['path'] == '87/874f86c4.jpg': continue payload = {} payload['image_url'] = "https://amazon-berkeley-objects.s3.amazonaws.com/images/small/" + row['path'] payload['caption'] = row['item_name_in_en_us'] body_ = body_ + action + "\n" + json.dumps(payload) + "\n" cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == 100: resp = cloud_search_cli.bulk( request_timeout=1000, index=index_name, body=body_) cnt = 0 batch = batch + 1 body_ = '' bar() print("Total Bulk batches completed: " + str(batch))
查询语句中包含两个查询子句,一个是 match
查询,一个是 remote_neural
查询时将事先创建好的 Search Pipeline 指定为查询参数,Search Pipeline 会将传入的文本转为向量,存储到 caption_embedding 字段,用于后续查询。
按需输入需要查询的对象,本文以查询 shoes 为例。
# Search with search pipeline from urllib import request from PIL import Image import IPython.display as display def search(text, size): resp = cloud_search_cli.search( index=index_name, body={ "_source": ["image_url", "caption"], "query": { "hybrid": { "queries": [ { "match": { "caption": { "query": text } } }, { "remote_neural": { "caption_embedding": { "query_text": text, "k": size } } } ] } } }, params={"search_pipeline": search_pipeline_id}, ) return resp k = 10 ret = search('shoes', k) for item in ret['hits']['hits']: display.display(Image.open(request.urlopen(item['_source']['image_url']))) print(item['_source']['caption'])