调用 ModifyCenInterRegionBandwidthAttributes 接口,修改指定域间带宽的带宽大小。
参数名称 | 类型 | 是否必选 | 示例值 | 描述 |
Action | String | 是 | ModifyCenInterRegionBandwidthAttributes | 要执行的操作,取值为ModifyCenInterRegionBandwidthAttributes。 |
Version | String | 是 | 2020-04-01 | API版本信息,当前版本为2020-04-01。 |
CenBandwidthPackageId | String | 否 | cbp-bp1o94dp5**** | 带宽包ID。 |
InterRegionBandwidthId | String | 是 | cirb-3tex2x1cwd4c6c0v**** | 云企业网域间带宽的ID。 |
Bandwidth | Integer | 否 | 1000 | 云企业网域间带宽的带宽峰值,单位为Mbps。取值不能超过所属带宽包可分配的带宽大小。 |
GET /?Action=ModifyCenInterRegionBandwidthAttributes&Version=2020-04-01&InterRegionBandwidthId=cirb-3tex2x1cwd4c6c0v****&Bandwidth=1000 HTTP/1.1 Host: open.volcengineapi.com Service: cen Region: cn-beijing
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "202111161611080102121461940900****", "Action": "ModifyCenInterRegionBandwidthAttributes", "Version": "2020-04-01", "Service": "cen", "Region": "cn-beijing" }, "Result": {} }
HttpCode | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidCenCrossBorderBandwidthPackage.FrozenStatus | The specified request is denied because your account has been frozen for cross-border. Please wait for the Service Provider to unfreeze it. | 您的账号当前处于跨境封停状态,请等待运营商解封后再进行操作。 |
400 | InvalidInterRegionBandwidth.BillingTypeMissmatch | The billing type of specified inter-region bandwidth and bandwidth package are different. | 指定的域间带宽与带宽包计费类型不一致。 |
400 | InvalidInterRegionBandwidth.CenMissmatch | The associated cen of specified inter-region bandwidth and bandwidth package are different. | 指定的域间带宽与带宽包关联的云企业网不一致。 |
400 | InvalidInterRegionBandwidth.GeographicRegionSetIDMissmatch | The regions of specified inter-region bandwidth do not match the geographic region set ID of the bandwidth package. | 指定域间带宽的互通地域与带宽包的互通区域不匹配。 |
400 | LimitExceeded.InterRegionBandwidth | The specified inter-region bandwidth exceeds the range of bandwidth package. | 指定的域间带宽大小超出带宽包可分配的带宽。 |
400 | LimitExceeded.InterRegionBandwidth | The specified inter-region bandwidth exceeds the lower limit. | 指定的带宽大小超出域间带宽最小限制。 |
400 | LimitExceeded.PhysicalLineBandwidth | You’ve reached the bandwidth limit on the number of physical line. | 已达到物理线路可分配带宽上限。 |
400 | UnsupportedOperation | The request on the specified bandwidth package is denied because the bandwidth package is expired. | 指定带宽包已过期,不支持当前操作。 |
400 | UnsupportedOperation | The request on the specified bandwidth package is denied because the bandwidth package is shut down due to arrears. | 指定带宽包欠费关停,不支持当前操作。 |
404 | InvalidCenBandwidthPackage.NotFound | The bandwidth package of the specified geographic regions does not exist. | 指定的带宽包不存在。 |
404 | InvalidInterRegionBandwidth.NotFound | The specified inter-region bandwidth does not exist. | 指定的域间带宽不存在。 |
404 | InvalidLocalRegionId.NotFound | The specified LocalRegionId does not exist. | 指定的本端地域不存在。 |
404 | InvalidPeerRegionId.NotFound | The specified PeerRegionId does not exist. | 指定的对端地域不存在。 |
409 | InvalidCen.InvalidStatus | The specified CEN instance is not in the correct status for the request. | 指定的云企业网实例所处的状态无法响应该请求,请稍后再试。 |