火山引擎平台 API 错误码,请参见通用错误码。
HTTP 状态码 | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
404 | NotFound.{{parameter}} | The specified {{resourceType}} {{resourceContent}} is not found. | 指定的资源找不到。请确认参数后重试。 |
400 | NotSupported.{{parameter}} | The specified {{resourceType}} {{resourceContent}} is not supported. | 指定的资源不支持。 |
409 | Conflict.Name | The specified name conflicts with existing {{resourceType}}. | 指定的名称与已有资源重复。 |
409 | AlreadyExists.{{parameter}} | The specified {{resourceType}} {{resourceId}} has already been included. | 指定的资源已存在。 |
400 | AlreadyInUse.{{parameter}} | The specified {{resourceType}} {{resourceId}} has already been used in another cluster. | 指定的资源已被其他集群使用。 |
400 | UpdateNotAllowed.{{parameter}} | The update to the specified parameter {{parameter}} is not allowed due to {{resourceType}}. | 指定资源类型对象的部分属性不能更新。 |
400 | OperationDenied.UserNotInAllowList | The feature {{featureName}} is not in the allowed list. | 您尚未开通该功能。 |
400 | OperationDenied.Profile | The specified profile {{profile}} is not supported. | 指定的集群场景不支持此操作。 |
400 | VersionIncompatible.KubernetesVersion | The addon version {{addonVersion}} is not compatible with the current cluster Kubernetes version. | 当前集群版本不支持。 |
400 | OperationDenied.NetworkMode | The specified addon is not compatible with the current network mode. | 当前网络模型不支持。 |
400 | OperationDenied.DeployMode | The specified deploy mode is not supported. | 当前部署模式不支持。 |
400 | OperationDenied.DeployNodeType | The specified deploy node type is not supported. | 当前部署节点类型不支持。 |
400 | OperationDenied.GracefulUpgrade | The addon does not support graceful upgrade from the current version to the target version. | 组件不支持从当前版本平滑升级到目标版本。 |
400 | OperationDenied.Downgrade | The addon does not support downgrade from the current version to the target version. | 组件不支持从当前版本降级到目标版本。 |
400 | OperationDenied.RequiredAddon | It is forbidden to delete required addon. | 禁止删除必装组件。 |
400 | OperationDenied.AddonStatus | The action has been forbidden due to wrong addon status {{statusPhase}} and [{{statusConditions}}]. | 当前组件状态下无法执行此操作。 |
400 | OperationDenied.BareMachineStatus | The operation has been denied due to the wrong status of the specified baremachine {{baremachineId}}. | BareMachine 实例不在期望的状态,无法加入到集群中。 |
400 | InvalidConfiguration.{{parameter}} | The configuration of specified baremachine {{baremachineId}} is insufficient to be a control plane node of cluster. | BareMachine 主机资源(例如:CPU、内存)过小,无法作为 master 节点使用。 |
400 | OperationDenied.VersionEndOfSupport | The specified version is end of support. | 指定版本已经不再支持。 |
400 | QuotaExceeded.SecurityGroup | The number of security groups has reached the limit. | VKE(火山引擎容器服务,Volcengine Kubernetes Engine)会为用户自动创建一个新的安全组,如果安全组配额已满,就会报错。 |
400 | Insufficient.Balance | Your account has run out of balance. | 账号欠费或者不足以支付当前资源金额。 |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Cluster | The number of clusters has reached the limit. | VKE 集群实例配额超限。 |
400 | VpcMismatch.{{parameter}} | The specified {{resourceType}} {{resourceId}} is not in the same VPC. | 指定的子网或安全组不属于同一个 VPC。 |
400 | OutOfRange.{{cidrParameter}} | The range of specified CIDR is too small. | CIDR 地址块过小。 |
400 | OperationDenied.VpcStatus | The status of the specified VPC {{vpcId}} is not valid. | 当前 VPC 状态下不允许操作。 |
400 | OperationDenied.SubnetStatus | The status of the specified Subnet {{subnetId}} is not valid. | 当前子网状态下不允许操作。 |
400 | OperationDenied.ClusterStatus | The action has been denied due to wrong cluster status {{statusPhase}} and [{{statusConditions}}]. | 当前集群状态下无法执行此操作。 |
400 | InvalidRange.{{parameter}} | The range of specified CIDR addresses is in conflict with that of CIDR/Subnet in the cluster or in conflict with that of CIDR/Subnet of another cluster or NOT in the valid CIDR ranges. | CIDR 地址范围可能有如下情况:
400 | OperationDenied.DeleteProtection | The deletion protection of specified {{resourceType}} is enabled. | 指定资源开启了删除保护。 |
400 | OperationDenied.Subnet | The specified Subnet {{subnetId}} is not in the VCI zones. | 指定的子网对应的可用区不在用户 VCI 开服可用区范围内。 |
404 | NotFound.DefaultNodePool | The default node pool is not found. | 默认节点池不存在。 |
400 | OperationDenied.NodeStatus | The action has been forbidden due to wrong node status {{statusPhase}} and [{{statusConditions}}]. | 当前节点状态下无法执行此操作。 |
400 | OperationDenied.InstanceStatus | The operation has been denied due to the wrong status of the specified ECS instance {{instanceId}}. | ECS 实例不在期望的状态,无法加入到集群中。 |
400 | ZoneMismatch.Instance | The specified ECS instance {{instanceId}} is not in the cluster defined zones. | VPC-CNI 集群下,添加的实例所在可用区不在集群所选 Pod 子网对应的可用区范围内。 |
400 | QuotaExceeded.NodePool | The number of node pools in the cluster has reached the limit. | 一个 VKE 实例中的节点池数量超过上限。 |
400 | LimitExceeded.MaximumVolumes | You have reached the limit of the number of volumes that you can create. | 可添加的云盘数量超过上限。 |
400 | LimitExceeded.DataVolumeSize | You have reached the limit of the size of data volume that you can create. | 数据盘大小超过限制。 |
400 | LimitExceeded.SystemVolumeSize | You have reached the limit of the size of system volume that you can create. | 系统盘大小超过限制。 |
400 | Mismatch.Replicas | The specified DesiredReplicas, MinReplicas and MaxReplicas are mismatched. | 期望副本数、最小副本数和 最大副本数三者之间无法匹配。 |
400 | OperationDenied.SecurityGroupStatus | The status of the specified SecurityGroup {{securityGroupId}} is not valid. | 当前安全组状态下不允许操作。 |
400 | OperationDenied.NodePoolStatus | The action has been forbidden due to wrong node pool status {{statusPhase}} and [{{statusConditions}}]. | 当前节点池状态下无法执行此操作。 |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Node | The number of nodes in the cluster has reached the limit. | 集群的节点数量到达配额 上限。 |
400 | LimitExceeded.NodeInCluster | The number of nodes exceeds the cluster defined pods config limit. |
400 | InstanceTypeMismatch.VolumeType | The specified VolumeType {{volumeType}} and InstanceType {{instanceType}} are mismatched. | 指定的云盘规格和实例规格不匹配。 |
400 | ZoneMismatch.InstanceType | The specified InstanceType {{instanceType}} and subnet zones are mismatched. | 指定的实例规格与子网的可用区不匹配。 |
400 | ZoneMismatch.Subnet | The specified Subnet {{subnetId}} is not in the cluster defined zones. | VPC-CNI 集群下,节点池指定的子网所在可用区不在集群所选 Pod 子网对应的可用区范围内。 |
400 | ClusterVpcMismatch.{{parameter}} | The specified {{resourceType}} {{resourceId}} is not in the VPC of cluster. | 指定的子网/安全组/实例与集群不属于同一个 VPC。 |
409 | AlreadyExists.DefaultNodePool | The default node pool already exists. | 默认节点池已存在。 |
400 | OutOfRange.DataVolumes | There is no data volume for additional container storage enabling. | 启动了额外的容器存储,但是 DataVolume 参数中并没有指定任何数据盘。 |