使用 GET 方式发起请求。
字段 | 位置 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | 值 |
Action | Query | String | 是 | 公共参数,OpenAPI 接口名称 | ListSlowLive |
Version | Query | String | 是 | 公共参数,OpenAPI 接口版本 | 2021-01-01 |
通用返回参数,请参考 ResponseMetadata 结构体说明。
Result 字段包含以下参数:
字段 | 类型 | 说明 |
SlowLiveStreamings | Array of objects | 查询到的慢直播媒体处理应用列表,参考以下 慢直播媒体处理应用数据结构 |
字段 | 类型 | 说明 |
Name | String | 时间戳 |
ID | String | 带宽/流量值 |
RelatedSpaces | List<String> | 关联空间 ID 列表 |
MergingMode | String | 合流模式(目前仅支持单屏) |
OutputResolution | String | 输出分辨率 |
OutputFrameRate | Int | 输出帧率,单位:fps |
OutputEncoding | String | 输出编码 |
CreateTimestamp | Timestamp | 创建时间 |
PreviousClosedTimestamp | Timestamp | 上次关闭时间 |
FinishTimestamp | Timestamp | 计划结束时间 |
Status | String | 状态:
EnablePushingStream | Boolean | 是否推流 |
Config | Array of objects | 视频流播放配置,参考以下 视频流播放配置结构说明 |
AccountID | String | 账号 ID |
ObsEndpoint | String |
字段 | 类型 | 说明 |
EnableRolling | Boolean | 是否开启视频流轮播功能 |
RollingInterval | Int | 轮播时间间隔(秒) |
StreamList | List<String> | 视频流列表 |
GET https://open.volcengineapi.com?Action=ListSlowLive &Version=2021-01-01 &<公共请求参数>
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "2022080215261401021213814425C9BAAA", "Action": "ListSlowLive", "Version": "2021-01-01", "Service": "aiotvideo", "Region": "cn-north-1" }, "Result": { "PageNumber": 1, "PageSize": 20, "TotalCount": 2, "SlowLiveStreamings": [ { "ID": "slowlive:676e465b-4575-4464-ad48-ae8c48xxxxxx", "RelatedSpaces": [ "517ff7ec-7700-4862-b1e7-7967a4xxxxxx" ], "Name": "new-test", "MergingMode": "单屏", "OutputResolution": "720*1280", "OutputFrameRate": 25, "OutputEncoding": "H264", "CreateTimestamp": 1658966055, "PreviousClosedTimestamp": 0, "FinishTimestamp": 0, "Status": "运行中", "EnablePushingStream": null, "Config": { "EnableRolling": true, "RollingInterval": 15, "StreamList": null }, "AccountID": "2100xxxxxx", "ObsEndpoint": "10.xx.xx.xx:xxxx" }, { "ID": "slowlive:8a2bced1-bd96-4d45-a216-a6a69bxxxxxx", "RelatedSpaces": [ "517ff7ec-7700-4862-b1e7-7967a4xxxxxx" ], "Name": "112", "MergingMode": "单屏", "OutputResolution": "540*960", "OutputFrameRate": 25, "OutputEncoding": "H264", "CreateTimestamp": 1657004722, "PreviousClosedTimestamp": 1658893815, "FinishTimestamp": 0, "Status": "运行中", "EnablePushingStream": null, "Config": { "EnableRolling": true, "RollingInterval": 15, "StreamList": null }, "AccountID": "2100xxxxxx", "ObsEndpoint": "10.xx.xx.xx:xxxx" } ] } }