API 请求成功时,HTTP 响应状态码是 200。
API 请求失败时,会出现以下任意一个情况:
如果响应出现异常,响应正文的内容如下。此时您可根据 Error
结构体中的 CodeN
和 Message
分类 | Code | CodeN | Message | HTTP 响应状态码 | MessageCN |
服务内部错误 | ErrInternalServer | 500100 | server internal error | 500 | 服务内部错误 |
公共类型校验错误 | ErrParsingParams | 400100 | parsing params error | 400 | 解析请求失败 |
ErrParamInvalid | 400102 | validation fail: %s | 400 | 参数校验失败 | |
ErrDBDuplicated | 400103 | duplicated: %s | 409 | 数据库条目重复 | |
ErrDBNotFound | 400104 | record not found :%s | 400 | 数据库条目未找到 | |
ErrZoneNotFound | 400105 | zone not found | 400 | 未找到域名 | |
ErrQuotaExceeded | 400109 | %s exceeds quota %d | 400 | %s超出限额%d | |
ErrRegionNotSupport | 400177 | %s service of %s not supported | 400 | 当前地域%s不支持%s服务 | |
记录操作校验 | ErrHostCanNotBeEmpty | 400130 | host can't be empty, use @ instead | 400 | 主机记录不能为空 |
ErrSearchParamMissingParams | 400131 | request param: rr or type or value or line cannot be empty | 400 | 记录查询条件缺失 | |
ErrPageSizeNotValid | 400132 | page size must be less than 500 when search | 400 | 分页查找的记录数量不能大于500 | |
ErrSpecNotValid | 400135 | record %s not valid when creating record | 400 | 参数不符合功能版本规格限制 | |
数据统计校验 | ErrNamesNotMatch | 400140 | domain name and zone name do not match | 400 | 域名与子域名不匹配 |
域名 | ErrNoVPCSpecified | 400170 | at least one vpc should be specified | 400 | 未关联VPC |
ErrSubnetVPCBindLimit | 400172 | zone in subnet mode should bind only one vpc | 400 | 智能解析开启时只能关联一个VPC | |
ErrSubnetVPCChange | 400173 | zone in subnet mode is not allowed to change vpc bind | 400 | 智能解析开启时不支持变更VPC | |
ErrChangeSubnetMode | 400175 | subnetMode is not allowed to change | 400 | 智能解析模式不支持变更 | |
ErrLoadBalance | 400181 | load balance not enabled | 400 | 权重未打开 | |
ErrWeightDisabled | 400182 | weight disabled for zone | 400 | 无法操作权重 | |
账号、服务开通 | ErrServiceNotOpened | 400190 | this account service not opened | 400 | 账号未开通服务 |
ErrServiceOverdueSuspend | 400192 | this account service has been overdue and suspend | 400 | 账号已欠费关停 | |
ErrServiceAlreadyOpened | 400194 | this account service already opened | 400 | 重复开通服务 | |
ErrAccountInArrears | 400195 | this account in arrears, you cannot open this service. Please recharge your account | 400 | 您的账户已欠费,无法开通此服务!请前往账户充值 |
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "2021121414470101022524314706F82E05", "Action": "ListRecordAttributes", "Version": "2022-06-01", "Service": "private_zone", "Region": "cn-north-1" }, "Result": { "TTLs": [ 600, 1800, 3600, 43200, 86400 ], "Types": [ "A", "AAAA", "CNAME", "TXT", "MX", "PTR" ] } }
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "202309122013038DC42E3586A8FE0054C6", "Action": "QueryPrivateZone", "Version": "2022-06-01", "Service": "private_zone", "Region": "cn-north-1", "Error": { "CodeN": 400105, "Code": "ErrZoneNotFound", "Message": "zone not found", "MessageCN": "未找到域名" } } }