ByteHouse 优化器为业界目前唯一的 ClickHouse 优化器方案。ByteHouse 优化器的能力简单总结如下:
开启 ClickHouse SQL Mode:
set enable_optimizer =1
-- Collect statistics for all tables in current database create stats all; -- Collect statistics for all tables and start sampling create stats all settings statistics_enable_sample = 1 -- Collect statistics of a table create stats [IF NOT EXISTS] <table_name>; -- Collect statistics of a table and start sampling create stats <table_name> settings statistics_enable_sample = 1
-- Display all statistics show stats all; -- Display Statistics of a table show stats [<db_name>.]<table_name>; -- Display column level statistics of all tables show column_stats all; -- Display specified column level statistics of specified table show column_stats [<db_name>.]<table_name> [at column <column_name>];
-- Delete all statistics in current database drop stats all; -- Delete statistics of a table drop stats <table_name>;
set graphviz_path='/path/to/folder' use <database_name> show stats __save; # save statistics into /path/to/folder/<database_name>.bin show stats __load; # load statistics from /path/to/folder/<database_name>.bin
EXPALIN SELECT sum(l_extendedprice * l_discount) AS revenue FROM lineitem WHERE l_shipdate >= toDate('1994-01-01') AND l_shipdate < toDate('1994-01-01') + INTERVAL '1' YEAR AND l_discount BETWEEN toFloat64('0.06') - toFloat64('0.01') AND toFloat64('0.06') + toFloat64('0.01') AND l_quantity < 24
set print_graphviz=1 set graphviz_path='/.../...' (A path you can access on the server)
如果性能回退,可以在 query_level 手动指定 SETTINGS enable_optimizer=0
--Add "SETTINGS enable_optimizer=0" after your query to turn off optimizer select distinct d_year from date_dim SETTINGS enable_optimizer=0;