默认情况下所有插件都是开启状态。以下为开启Js Error插件的示例配置。
client('init', { ... plugins: { js_error: true } ... })
将插件配置成false则表示关闭插件。以下为关闭Js Error插件的示例配置。
client('init', { ... plugins: { js_error: false } ... })
pageview: { // 路由模式,为 manual 时不上报 routeMode: 'history' | 'manual' = 'history' // 指定 history 变化时如何从 URL 中提取 pid extractPid?: (url: string) => string }
发生Js Error、Navigate Error时上报。
jsError: { // 忽略error message匹配得上的错误 ignoreErrors: (string | RegExp)[] = [] // 监听 App.error hookOnError: boolean = true // 监听 App.unhandledRejection hookOnUnhandledRejection: boolean = true // 监听路由错误 hookRouteError: boolean = true // 对比前后发生的相同错误并且去重 dedupe: boolean = true }
收集http、路由切换信息,并在Js Error上报时一并上报。
breadcrumb: { // 最多保留面包屑数量 maxBreadcrumbs?: number = 20 // 新增面包屑时调用的钩子 onAddBreadcrumb?: (b: Breadcrumb) => Breadcrumb | false // 面包屑存满时调用的钩子 onMaxBreadcrumbs?: (bs: Breadcrumb[], maxBreadcrumbs: number) => Breadcrumb[] }
http: { // whether to intercept instance.request hookRequest: boolean = true // whether to intercept instance.downloadFile hookDownloadFile: boolean = true // whether to intercept instance.uploadFile hookUploadFile: boolean = true // ignore the urls or RegExps passed in ignoreUrls: (string | RegExp)[] = ['/settings/minipro','monitor_browser/collect/batch'] // whether to gather request.body and response.body when response.statusCode >= 400 collectBodyOnError: boolean = false // developer can extract extra with response.body and httpPayload.if the value returned wasn't undefined or null, it would be set to extra and is_custom_error would be set to true extraExtractor?: (body: string | any, related: HttpPayload) => { [key: string]: string } | false }
setData: { // 是否计算 setData 传入参数的大小 isCalculateSize: boolean = false }
// 无需配置,默认开启,如需关闭,请设置为false appLaunchPerf: {}
// 无需配置,默认开启,如需关闭,请设置为false pagePerf: {}
// 无需配置,默认开启,如需关闭,请设置为false performance: {}