参数 | 类型 | 是否必选 | 示例值 | 描述 |
Authorization | String | 是 | HMAC-SHA256 Credential=BDPP2952f97532xxxxxx/20240716/cn/openPlatform/request, SignedHeaders=host;x-content-sha256;x-date, Signature=131f3d297eb22a7xxxxxx | 详细介绍请查阅调用方式文档 |
参数 | 类型 | 是否必选 | 示例值 | 描述 |
ApiAction | String | 是 | createAssetTaskV2 | 固定值,对应“请求说明”中的“接口名称” |
ApiVersion | String | 是 | 2024-05-22 | 固定值,版本号: 2024-05-22 |
参数 | 类型 | 是否必选 | 示例值 | 描述 |
tenantId | Integer | 是 | 1 | 项目ID |
taskName | String | 是 | 任务名称 | |
dataAssetConf | Object | 是 | 数据资产配置 | |
outputConf | Object | 是 | 输出配置 | |
outputType | Object | 是 | 输出类型 | |
platform | String | 是 | 输出平台的类型,可选值: aliOss | |
tableType | String | 是 | 输出数据类型,可选值: TotalWideTable,代表全量宽表 |
参数 | 类型 | 示例值 | 描述 |
taskId | Int | 任务id |
{ "tenantId": 5, "taskName": "openapi2024-12-03T11:30:46.949", "dataAssetConf": { "subjectId": 1, "dataAssetType": "SEGMENT", "segsDetails": { "segIds": [ 1001989 ], "showIdType": true, "tagDetails": { "tagIds": [ 304 ] } } }, "outputConf": { "outputFrequency": "single", "authAccount": "admin", "separator": "," }, "outputType": "inner_storage", "platform": "hdfs", "tableType": "TotalWideTable" }
{ "code": 0, "msg": "成功", "data": { "total": 317, "pageSize": 10, "pageNum": 1, "data": [ { "id": 1001989, "name": "openapi2024-11-26T11:11:36.931984", "desc": null, "condition": { "targetIdTypeId": 1, "majorIdValues": null, "encryptionMethod": null, "onlineServiceEnabled": false, "extraCondition": { "type": "SqlExport", "sql": "select id_map from (SELECT toInt16(0) AS idx, arrayToBitmapWithEncode(groupArray(base_id), 'profile_tob', 'tag_bitmaps_did_cdp', 'id_map', 0, 1) AS id_map\nFROM (SELECT base_id\nFROM (SELECT base_id, arraySum(inner.3) AS n\nFROM (SELECT attributionAnalysis2('target', ['click - event_done'], [''], 604800, 1, 0, [0])(toUInt64(col_time), col_params, col_num, '') AS inner, base_id\nFROM (SELECT base_id, col_time, col_params, col_num\nFROM (select col_time, 'target' as col_params, base_id, sum(toFloat64OrZero(col_value)) as col_num from (select toUInt64(assumeNotNull(base_id)) as base_id, col_value, col_date, toUnixTimestamp((toDateTime(col_date) + toIntervalDay(1)) - toIntervalSecond(1)) as col_time from (select toUInt64(base_id) as base_id, toDate32(p_date) as col_date, money as col_value from aeolus_data_db_rangers_202406.tb_070bfd428d6692e6d5c47bca6fce9ea5 where 1 = 1 and 1=1 and 1 = 1 and 1=1 and (toDate32(p_date) >= '2024-11-19' and toDate32(p_date) <= '2024-11-26') and base_id is not null and col_value is not null) ) group by base_id, col_time union all select col_time, 'click - event_done' as col_params, base_id, sum(toFloat64OrZero(col_value)) as col_num from (select base_id, 'event_done' as event, toDate32(col_time) as col_date, col_time, 'event_done' as col_value, 1 as col_num from ( select toUInt64(base_id) as base_id, toUnixTimestamp(toDateTime(time)) as col_time from aeolus_data_db_rangers_202406.tb_585f6fde78fa62c4789e9adc09994c38 et where 1 = 1 and 1=1 and 1 = 1 and (toDate32(p_date) >= '2024-11-12' and toDate32(p_date) <= '2024-11-26') and ( event = 'click' ) and base_id is not null )) group by base_id, col_time) a\nJOIN \n(SELECT DecodeNonBitEngineColumn(arrayJoin(bitmapToArray(id_map)), 'profile_tob', 'tag_bitmaps_did_cdp', 'id_map') AS base_id\nFROM (select toInt16(0) as idx, id_map from ( select base_id_0 as id_map from ( select BitMapExtract('0')(idx, base_id_1) as base_id_0 from ( ( select toInt16(0) as idx, BitMapColumnOr(id_map) as base_id_1 from ( select id_map,tag_value_double from profile_tob.tag_bitmaps_did_cdp where p_date = '2024-11-25' and tag_type = 1 and id_type = 1 and tag_id = 5 ) where ( toInt64(tag_value_double) = 0 ) ) ) settings distributed_perfect_shard = 1, prefer_localhost_replica = 0, send_timeout = 6000, receive_timeout = 6000 ) )) ) b\nON (a.base_id = b.base_id)\nSETTINGS distributed_perfect_shard = 1, prefer_localhost_replica = 0 ) \nGROUP BY base_id) ) \nWHERE (n != 0)) tmp__sf__sql\nSETTINGS distributed_perfect_shard = 1, prefer_localhost_replica = 0 )", "showConf": null }, "realtimeEnabled": null, "sampleLimit": null, "kvKeyFormat": null }, "taskConf": { "scheduleType": "Trigger", "skipCheck": null, "notAutoRun": null, "scheduleTime": "00:00", "scheduleStartDate": null, "scheduleEndDate": null, "segTaskDependencySettingDetail": null, "scheduleDateTimes": null }, "taskResults": [ { "taskTime": "2024-11-26 00:00:00", "startTime": "2024-11-26 11:11:37", "endTime": "2024-11-26 11:12:11", "status": "Success", "taskType": "FileTask", "errMsg": "", "elapseTime": 34, "count": 436, "filePath": "/user/datarangers/bdb/application/segmentation/segment_v2/target/2024-11-26/1001989/135926/5de3600d-5b1a-4cc3-8896-85e90d2c7640.gz", "effectiveRate": null }, { "taskTime": "2024-11-26 00:00:00", "startTime": "2024-11-26 11:11:37", "endTime": "2024-11-26 11:12:42", "status": "Success", "taskType": "BitmapTask", "errMsg": null, "elapseTime": 65, "versionId": 135927, "pDate": "2024-11-26" } ], "lastSuccessTaskResults": null, "count": 436, "exportAt": "2024-11-26 11:12:11", "createdBy": "admin", "createTime": "2024-11-26 11:11:37", "updatedBy": "admin", "updateTime": "2024-11-26 11:11:37", "idType": { "id": 1, "name": "主体1的基准ID", "code": "baseid", "subjectId": 1, "subjectName": "主体1", "entityType": "BaseId" }, "sourcePlatform": "CDP", "sourceModule": null, "deletedFlag": 0, "segType": "SqlExport", "tenantId": 5, "bdbTaskId": 100006771, "childSegments": null, "readable": true, "isHidden": false, "publicSegId": null, "groupInfo": [], "onlineServiceTaskId": null, "appInfo": { "appId": null, "appName": null, "teaAppId": null, "projectId": null, "subjectId": null } } ] } }
HTTP 状态码 | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 说明 |
400 | invalidParameter | PARAMETER INVALID | 参数非法,检查入参。 |